Morning with Grandpa

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(Steve's P.O.V)
   It was four am when I got up still pitch black. I had to take Natasha Teresa and Clint to the helicarrier. I walked down the hall to Natasha, Teresa, and Clint's rooms and knocked on all there doors within a few seconds they all walked out. We headed down to the garage. "Hop in guys." I said taking the key for the hover car out of the cabinet and unlocking it. "Turn the heat on its to cold." Clint whined in a half asleep voice. Teresa was also half asleep leaning on my arm while I drove. After about five minutes we arrived and I unlocked the door and they got out. "I'll send happy to pick you guys up later have a good day!" I shouted after them as they walked inside the helicarrier. When I got back I noticed that Ben was up just standing in his crib. "Hey buddy want to help me make breakfast?" I said slowly picking him up. "Pawaches" I couldn't believe my ears those were his first words. Well his first response. "Say it again what do you want?" I bounced him up and down. "Pancake!" I got him dressed in some sweatpants and a t shirt. "Ok let's go get something to eat. I walked out to the kitchen and set Ben on the counter and went to get the supplies for pancakes out of the cabinet. After making pancakes everyone was starting to wake up. "Morning babe...hey Ben." Tony said ruffling bens hair and giving me a kiss and putting a pot of coffee on. "What you gonna do today?" He took a sip of his coffee. "I'm gonna work in the lab with Peter. Is he up yet Jarvis?" "He's on his way out now sir." I started getting everyone's plate ready as Peter Wade and Danny walked out. "Hey guys how did you sleep." I said handing them plates. In response I got a bunch of very tired "I slept pretty good." Peter kissed Bens head and put him in a high chair. "Why is bens skin so dry?" Peter questioned. "I will have Bruce look when he wakes up. Now eat you got a long day ahead of you.

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