Vistors (Part one)

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(Wade's P.O.V)

I woke up to a knock at the door followed by Peter hitting me in the face with a pillow. "Get up you bum. Get the door." I got up and walked over to the door to see Tandy suited up. "Hey you up for a late night patrol?" I grabbed my suit and closed the door. "Sleep tight Spidey."


We ran across a few rooftops when we heard a explosion at a bank a block over. "Race you there Red."  Tandy said taking off laughing as I finally caught up to her I was going so fast I ran off the building breaking my arm. As she dropped down I grabbed a gun. "I'd just like to say I win and OWW and now I'm using a gun instead cause no one likes only one katakana. When we got in a girl in a white hood and suit with blue trim on here shoes. "Hey you what are you doing here!" Tandy called out as she summed her dagger.The girl looked over her shoulder. "I gotta get home you guys can handle these fools right?" She threw the robber at our feet. And ran off. I chased after her and as we reached the back ally she webbed my feet. "Sorry I know your a good guy just can't have you following me." She ran up the building and swung off. When we got back the sun was coming up and as the elevator dinged Tony and Steve where in the kitchen with the whole team. "Ok now that we're all here we have some news you guys are moving into the tower each with your own room!" There was some clapping and then a wooden faded door appeared behind us in the living room and six kids walked out. They looked amazed "Who are these kids?" Steve said standing up. "Oh is this the week you guys where coming? Welcome I'm Wade this is my boyfriend Peter that's Tandy, Tyrone, Sam, Danny, and these are the Avengers their nobodies. Guys these are the mutants from the X-men school thingy they will be staying here for a week or two. And you are?" A tall boy with brown hair and a light brown jacket stepped forward. "I'm John this is my boyfriend Zack and that's Finn and Shawn and our friends Nadia and Ash." "It's nice to meet you guys follow us to your room." Tandy and Danny said leading the kids down the hall. "Why didn't you tell me we were housing mutants babe." Peter said setting his fork down. "Sorry I forgot honestly but that's not all I forgot to tell you. Me and Tandy went on patrol this morning when we saw this spider..girl in white." Tony and Steve started paying extra attention. "But peter is the only known spider person. But I'll go look into it Come on Steve maybe Fury knows something."

Ok so I'm gonna do this in part 1,3,5 will be here and 2,4 will be on my overpowered book enjoy!!.

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