Symptoms and Revenge

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(Peter's P.O.V)
   I woke up in Wade's arms with the sun shining off the snow and into my eyes. "Let me go I got to get a shower. I'm going Christmas shopping with Teresa today." I took his arm off me and slid out of bed. As I stood up I immediately regretted it I groaned and limped to the bathroom. "Thanks a lot Wade now my ass is sore." He just smiled and turned over when I got in the bathroom I grabbed a towel and set it on the rack. I didn't feel right I ran to the toilet and knelt down. I must have puked for ten minutes. I stood up slowly and brushed my teeth then turned on a hot shower and got cleaned up.
(Teresa P.O.V)
   I woke up from a dream about becoming an avenger to a foot in my face. Since I was leaning back to back with Tandy when I moved she fell and woke up. "OMG Sam get your foot out of my face!" I screamed waking everyone else up as Sam woke up he fell on the floor. "Stop screaming would you I'm trying to sleep." He said in a very tired manner. I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen and brushed my teeth.
   I went to the fridge and grabbed eggs and bacon. I started cooking bacon omelets and once I put them on plates I went through the cabinets and found just what I wanted ghost pepper flakes. I sprinkled some on Sams omelet. "Come get it!" I yelled and as soon as everyone sat down I handed out plates then went back in the kitchen and shut off the water and hid the milk in the cabinet. I went back in and sat down. Everyone started eating and Sam put his fork down. "Something wrong Sam?" I said smiling. His face started to turn red. "What's in these?" "Oh you know bacon egg a little milk cheese and just for you ghost pepper flakes." He started fanning his mouth and ran to the kitchen. "No drinks." I said still smiling he walked to the door and grabbed his helmet and flew out the window landing on the roof below us shoving snow in his mouth. I busted out laugh. "Excuse me." Peter said with a towel around his waste and soap in his hair. "Sorry just having some fun. I'll pay for it." I said turning the water back on under the sink.

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