To catch a baby

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[6 months later]
(Peter's P.O.V)
  I woke up around five in the morning brushed my teeth and had just made coffee and sitting in the kitchen with Pops, Uncle Bucky, Aunt Natasha and Teresa there the only ones up yet. As the I heard Ben start fussing over the monitor I took a long sip of my coffee. "You gonna get him?" Teresa said interrupting my sip. I put my finger up to her face as I finished my drink. I got up and went to Ben's room. When I looked in his crib it was empty. "Not again! It's like the 3rd time this week. Jarvis notify the team." Soon Dad, War Machine, Thor, Nova, Vision And Falcon where flying outside looking in windows. Pops, Bucky, Wade, Iron fist, Cloak, and Black Panther. Searched the floors and rooms. Hawkeye, Black Widow, Spider-woman, shuri, dagger and I searched vents. After about five minutes which felt like hours  me and spider woman found Ben asleep in a elevator shaft. "Come here Ben come to auntie Gwen." She called to Ben who was still sound asleep. We crawled closer and Ben opened his eyes he let out a giggle then fell. One floor two floors three. My head started to spin as I watched in horror Vision flew through the wall and as he looked up Ben fell in his arms with more giggles. Both me and Gwen lowered down it wasn't long till Pops was prying open an elevator. "We got him he's safe." A said over the coms. "Don't worry Peter super powered children are tricky. Your fathers lost you before to you know." Vision said as we exited the elevator shaft. "I'm so glad your ok!" Wade said shoving through the group taking Ben and hugging me. "Now how about we go to Central Park the whole team and avengers."

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