Messing With Trolls

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I was laying on my back, hands behind my head, legs crossed at the ankle and staring up at the sky. Night had just fallen and I was admiring the stars as they twinkled across the midnight black sky. I had noticed early on that the constellations here were different than the ones back home, but that didn't diminish their beauty. In fact I thought it added to them. I was getting to see something no one else back home would ever get to see. Something about the fact these stars being my own little secret from my friends and family made them even more dazzling.

Unfortunately thinking about the fact they were different than the ones back home also got me thinking about home. That made me realize how much I missed my parents. While I was more than happy to be experiencing my favorite story first-hand I couldn't help thinking about what everyone back home was doing, but at the same time I didn't want to go back. Being back there meant going back to keeping part of who I was a secret. Something I didn't have to do with the company I kept now. They knew who I was and what I could do; and they accepted me.

Acceptance was something I knew I would never get back home in a world where magic wasn't supposed to exist, where creatures such as myself would be called an abomination and most likely hunted down. No, staying in this world, in middle earth to protect the lives of 13 dwarves and a hobbit was where I belonged. I would always miss my parents, but I knew that they would be happy because I was happy.

“Whatcha thinkin’ bout lass?” Bofur asked as he took a seat by my head. I turned my head to look at him instead of the stars. “Home, or rather what used to be my home. I always thought that if I ever left I would miss it more, dream about it at night, and desire to go back there.” I let out a soft sigh and smiled. “And yet I don't. Yeah I miss my mom and dad, who wouldn't miss their loving parents? But it doesn't hurt. I don't dream about it and oddly enough I have no desire to return,” I told him.

Bofur looked down at me slightly surprised. “Careful Ria you keep talkin’ like that and I'm gonna start thinkin’ you like bein’ with a bunch of smelly dwarves,” he teased. I laughed and gently shoved him. “Well you can think it all ya want cause I do. But, uh, you're right about that smelly thing. You guys need a bath. My wolfy senses pick up on your scent super easy,” I teased back. Bofur playfully narrowed his eyes and was just about to reach down and tickle me when Fili came running toward us.

“Trolls have the ponies. Bilbo is trying to free them now. Kili stayed behind,” he told us. And there it was. The thing I had been waiting to happen all day since the rain began. I knew this was coming, I also knew it was one of the things I couldn't change. I had to let the company stay, get caught, and find the troll cave. It was very important that cave be found as it held swords I knew would play an important role in the future. So I had said nothing to Thorin when we stopped, nor did I say anything after Gandalf stormed off.

Thorin narrowed his eyes at me. “You knew this would happen. Why didn't you say anything? Warn us?” His tone was accusatory.

“Because Thorin McBroody Brood the things that are going to unfold in the very near future need to happen. Now go on, direct your brooding elsewhere. Such as at the trolls.” I shooed him away so I could undress and shift. I knew Bilbo would stall for time, but ever since I saw those stupid annoying trolls on the big screen I wanted nothing more than to take a chunk out of them and I was going to do it first chance I got. While the company gathered their weapons and went charging in the battle I hung back awaiting my opportunity. I wasn't going to take a chance on getting snatched up and thrown in a nasty sack or tied up over a fire.

Neither of those things sounded in the least bit appealing and so I laid down next to a tree and watched events unfold. As I laid there I put my paw over my nose trying to block the scent of the trolls. The movie hadn't done a very good job portraying just how awful their stench was. It was almost bad enough to make me puke, but I managed to keep myself composed and simply watched as Bilbo got caught for the second time.

It didn't take long for the little hobbit to start playing for time. And as he did I slowly crept forward. Just as one of the trolls, I forgot which one, Bert I think, asked for his filleting knife I jumped out of the underbrush and bit down on his leg shaking my head . Gods alive they taste worse than they smell! I let go and looked up at the nasty creature. “Alright that wasn't one of my better ideas. You taste worse than anything I have ever imagined.” I jumped over his hand as he tried to grab me. “Too slow.” I teased just as I juked to the side. “Seriously just give up. I'm much too fast for you slow dumb douchebags to catch.” Proving my point, I rushed between his legs.

I could hear the dwarves muttering to themselves wondering about what I had called the trolls, but I didn't care. I was having too much fun dodging the trolls and laughing. Seeing their frustrated faces as they tried to catch me was one of the funniest things I had seen in a long time. Even a few of the dwarves were laughing despite the predicament they were in.

“The dawn will take you all,” Gandalf cried out as he stood upon a large rock and slammed his staff down. I skidded to a halt in front of the dwarves knowing my fun was over as sunlight spewed through the crack the wizard had made. The trolls started screeching and groaning in pain as the light hit them and they began to turn to stone.

I went off and shifted back putting on my borrowed clothing; note to self: see if elves have better fitting clothes while there. I rejoined the company after I was dressed and noticed they had all been freed. “There's a cave that way. I can smell it. Surprisingly it actually smells worse than the trolls themselves.” I pointed them in the right direction.

Fili walked over to me and clapped me on the shoulder. “I can't believe you bit one of them.” He shook his head and laughed. I merely shrugged. “Like I said not one of my better ideas. Hopefully the ones in the future will be brighter,” I told him.

I wanted a plan bright enough to keep all the company alive. And I had yet to come up with one.

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