Love Confessions

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I helped Fili carry his brother into Bard's house and sat him down on the couch. At this point his fever was so bad he was in a daze. He was covered in sweat and if I didn't know what was going to happen I would be worried for him. Just like I knew Fili was. I could see it in his slumped shoulders, the way he held Kili's hand. The sad, worried look in his blue eyes. He looked like someone who had lost their best friend, whose puppy died. It made me whimper seeing him like that. It was just so heartbreaking.

“Fili,” I said as I took a seat next to him. He turned and looked at me and I could tell he was trying not to cry. “I know you probably won't believe me, but Kili is going to be just fine. I promise. Tauriel and Legolas are going to show up in a bit and using the kingsfoil Bofur gets from the pigs she's going to save his life. I swear,” I said.

Fili's eyes seemed to have a little more shine to them now that he knew Kili would be saved, but I could also see there was some confusion there. “Why are Tauriel and Legolas going to show up?”

“Because--” An orc coming through the door interrupted me. “Of that.” I stripped and shifted. The house was really small and it made fighting the orcs hard, but I managed it. I kept them away from the kids, but Kili still got pulled into the floor.

When all the orcs were gone I shifted back and got dressed. Tauriel was so worried about saving Kili she didn't even notice what I had done. I rolled my eyes and helped hold Kili down as she chanted in elvish saving his life. I even grinned when he started spouting lovey dovey nonsense to her. If I had my way those two would be together in the end. He would live and her heart wouldn't be shattered.

Now that Kili was healed though we had other problems to deal with. Smaug was coming and we had to escape.  I helped get the kids into a boat, Tauriel was guiding it and I watched as the dragon flew overhead. It was a terrifying sight to see. The screams were so loud, the smell of burning wood, and of flesh penetrated my nostrils, and I could see lives being lost. It had been bad watching it on tv, but actually witnessing it was completely different. Much like everything else I had seen on this journey. It was so much more horrifying to see and experience than it was to watch.

But at least Bard had gotten a lot of people to leave. More lives would be saved because of my quick thinking. The people would be safe outside of Laketown. Though it was clear he hadn't been able to convince everyone.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I barely registered the others shouting at Bain to come back. “Let him go. He has to get the arrow to Bard,” I told them. They all looked at me in confusion, wondering if I was crazy or if I actually knew what I was talking about. Of course when the dragon was shot down they realized I did know what I was talking about.

Standing on the lake shore I saw the girls trying to find Bard and Bain. I could also see Kili talking to Tauriel, trying to convince her to come with us. Just when it seemed like she was going to, Legolas showed up and she left, but not before Kili gave her, his stone.

“It'll be alright Kee. You'll be together soon enough,” I told him. He looked over at me and smiled. The hope shining in his eyes proved that I was doing in the right thing in wanted to keep him alive and help him be with her.

Walking over the rocky terrain and grassy knolls to reach the gates of Erebor, I hummed the song from Lord of The Rings. I just couldn't help myself because I knew when filming this scene the actors had done the same thing. It was my way if paying homage to them and my world. A world I knew I was never going back to. Just before we walked inside the gate I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw it was Fili that had stopped me. “Is something wrong?”

“Before we go in there, there's something I have to say. I've kept it inside for longer than I should have. And I know there's a good chance you don't feel the same way, but I have to say this.” He took a deep breath and gazed into my eyes. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met. The stars are dim in comparison to you, the moon weeps because she knows you outshine her. And you're not just physically beautiful. You're beautiful on the inside as well. The way you take care of all of us, how protective you are, the way you do everything in your power to make sure we're warm and fed.” He stepped closer to me and cupped my cheeks.

My heart was racing as I stared back at him. Blue eyes locked with blue. I couldn't believe this was happening. So long I had been afraid to fall in love. My heart had been broken and I feared it happening again. Because of what I was I found it hard to trust. Never knowing what would happen once the truth about me came out. I had walls built up, but they had been knocked down by the dwarf standing in front of me.

“The truth is Ria. I've grown very fond of you. There isn't a moment that you aren't on my mind. Even when Kili was hurt and I thought I was going to lose him, I thanked Mahal I had you with me and you hadn't been hurt as well. I would be lost without you. You hold my heart even though I'm not sure I hold yours. I love you Alexandria. And I think I have since the moment you climbed on my pony on that day right on the edge of the shire.”

I looked at him as he confessed that he loved me, a smile upon my face. Since I was technically living in my favorite movie I would like to think at this very moment Here With You by Sick Puppies would be playing as I gazed into his eyes. Moving closer I press my lips to his. It had been him I had fallen so hard for. Him I had almost told down in the dungeons that I loved. And this time there was no one to interrupt as I wrapped my arms around his neck and poured all the love and care I had for him into our kiss.

Pulling away he rested his forehead against mine. “Does that mean?”

“I love you too, Fili. More than I ever thought it was possible. And I know with you I won't have to worry about getting my heart broken.”

“No you won't. I will do everything in my power to keep that from happening. I promise.” He pressed his lips to mine once more.

I let out a sigh as we broke apart. “I think it's time we go found the others.”

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