Enlightening Conversations

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I had my arms crossed and was staring Thorin down. Pissed was probably an understatement for how I felt right now. That stupid stubborn, brooding dwarf had sent Bilbo...Bilbo, little tiny hobbit to see how close Azog and his pack of orcs was. He could have sent me, the wolf with heightened senses who could see, smell, and hear better than any of them ever would be able. “I swear you are more stubborn than a bull. It makes more sense for me to go,” I said. Blue eyes narrowed at me. “I don't care, he can go unseen and can be more quiet,” Thorin replied.

I huffed feeling slightly insulted. I could be quiet and sneaky when I wanted to be. There were many times I had snuck up on people back home. “I can be sneaky like a freaking ninja and I wouldn't have to get as close.” I raised a brow and nodded my head.

“That maybe so, but your leg us still healing. You need to rest and I have already sent him so just sit there and deal with it.”

I narrowed my eyes. “You have no idea how tempted I am to bite you right now.” I took a seat against the rocks and crossed my arms. “And I'll sit here, but don't think for a second I'm ‘dealing with it’. I'm going to keep glaring at you until you see the errors of your ways,” I told him. And I did just that. I stared at him and watched him begin to squirm. I was getting some perverse pleasure from it and when I glanced at the rest of the company for just a moment I could see they found it just as amusing.

Thorin finally let out a sigh and mumbled something under his breath. Thanks to my wolfish hearing I picked it up, but I knew the others hadn't. “What was that?” I asked with a smirk. He grumbled again and I laughed. I doubted anyone else would get away with giving him such a hard time, but he was used to me doing it and normally took it in stride.

“I said you were right.”

Everyone looked at Thorin surprised he was admitting to being wrong. “Really? I was right? Huh I never would have guessed that,” I teased. Thorin rolled his eyes and gently shoved my shoulder causing me to laugh again. I stood up and wrapped my arm around his shoulder and kissed his cheek. “I know Bilbo was hired because he's quiet and can sneak around easily, but  don't put everything on him. I'm here to help and my leg is fine enough for me to go scout alright?”

Thorin nodded his head. “I realize that. It's just you've done so much for us already. You got hurt trying to keep Azog and his warg from me and Bilbo. I simply wanted to give you time to heal, but I know you're stronger than that and if you say you can handle something you can,” he conceded. I grinned and nodded my head just as Bilbo returned.

Running from Beorn with an injured leg hadn't been easy, but I managed to do it. And soon we were all inside the gate. Almost everyone went into the house to rest, but I stayed outside wanting to wait on Beorn, talk to him before the others got up. So I shifted into my wolf form and looked toward the gate. Of course a certain dark haired prince decided to join me instead of resting with the others. “What can I do for you Kili?” I asked as he sat down next to me.

“I was wondering something. And if you don't want to answer you don't have to, but I noticed the bracelets you and Fili have. Are the two of you courting?”

I raised my head off my paws and looked at him. “No Kili it is simply a friendship bracelet. I made one for you, I just haven't had the chance to give it to you. Here untie the one on top.” I lifted my paw and let him untie the second bracelet around my leg. The only things I was able to keep on when I shifted. He took it off me and put it on his own wrist with a smile.

“So if you aren't courting my brother are you courting anyone? Was there someone back home?” He asked as he fiddled with his bracelet. I shook my head. A love life wasn't something I had nor was it something I was looking for. Not that I would turn love away if the right person came along, but I wasn't going to go looking for it myself.

I let out a sigh knowing I was going to have to explain everything to Kili as he would only ask questions if I didn't. “No I don't have a boyfriend nor am I courting anyone. I had a man once, but things didn't end well and since then I haven't went looking for love, but if it happens I'll embrace it.” I looked out into the distance my eyes shining in the darkness. “Matt was the guy every girl wanted, he had the looks, he had a good job working for his father, and he was a college quarterback. But he only had eyes for me. In the beginning I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world that he had asked me out. It was about a year and a half into the relationship when things took a turn for the worst. He tried telling me what I could and couldn't wear, who I could talk to, and where I could go,” I started the story.

Kili looked shocked and angry. “Please tell me you shifted and bit him for doing such a thing.”

“No I didn't. I was so afraid of people finding out what I could do and getting turned into some lab experiment that I just took it. Until one day he found me talking to one of the girls from class. She had been sick and simply was asking to borrow my notes. Not a big deal, but for some reason he got angry. Jerked me up by my arm and started pulling me away. When I realized what was happening I planted my feet and pulled free from his grasp. He was surprised I was able to do so and became even more angry. He got in my face and started yelling at me. I of course yelled back and when he tried to hit me I grabbed his hand and snarled sounding like my wolf side. Matt just about pissed his pants as I shoved him to the ground and told him we were over,” I finished explaining.

Kili laid against me and did his best to hug my large frame. “You should have never went through that. You are too sweet, kind, generous, loyal, protective, caring, and most of all beautiful to suffer through that. If Matt was here in this world I promise you, Fili and I would give him the beating of a lifetime for you. A girl as wonderful as you deserves a love unlike any other,” he said. I wiggled my nose and tried to keep tears from falling at his kind words. Never before had I felt cared for like I did by these dwarves. They were the friends and family I had been looking for all my life.

“Thank you, Kili. You have no idea how much that means to me. But you should go get some rest.” I nudged him. He got up, kissed the top of my head and went inside.

Little did I know someone else had heard everything we just talked about.

I stretched out and waited on Beorn to show up now that I was alone. When he finally came back as a man and not a bear I trotted over to him slowly. The big man spotted me and because he was a lover of animals grinned and rubbed my ears. I let out a grunt of approval. “Hello Beorn, it's nice to meet you. I'm Alexandria, but you can call me Ria. The others do,” I told him. He stopped rubbing me and looked at me in surprise.

“You can talk?”

“I'm like you in a way only when I shift I have complete control and can still talk,” I explained.

His eyes softened and he squatted down in front of me. “You are a skin-changer? I didn't think there were any others left,” he said softly.

I cocked my head. “I've always just called myself a shifter, but I suppose that term is apt as well. And I'm not from this world. I'm from another. I happened to end up here and luckily I was found by a company and we have traveled far together. They have been there for me and helped me to accept myself, they have been my friends and family since I came here. I would be completely lost without them.”

Beorn smiled at that. “It is good they found you then. They sound like good people to have taken in a stranger that is different than them.” He stood up and stretched.

“They are. And I hope you remember that when you meet them.”

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