Perks Of Being A Shifter

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Escaping Mirkwood had been a difficult task. Bolg, son of Azog, had led a band of orcs to the borders and as soon as we got trapped by a small gate the fighting began. Kili had managed to pull the lever freeing us, but got shot. It was something I had tried to prevent, but I hadn't gotten to him in time. Even though I knew Tauriel would come and save him I didn't want him getting hurt. I cared about him and had done everything I could to try and stop him from getting shot. Well, all except shifting.

Now we were sitting on the edge of the shore and I was trying to tend to him. It was mostly to keep me busy because I didn't see a reason for me to put my two cents into the conversation they were having with Bard the bowman. He had shown up a few minutes ago and after thwarting both Dwalin and Kili's attempts to stop him he had started loading the barrels and Balin negotiated our passage to Laketown.

Fili looked down at me as I wrapped Kili's leg and asked, “Is he going to be alright?” I let out a sigh as I stood up and locked eyes with him. I could see the worry there and I decided to take pity on him.; tell him what I knew or at least some of it.

“He's going to be just fine. It won't seem like it as some pretty nasty things are gonna happen, but I assure you he's going to get healed.”

Fili looked relieved and gave me a hug just before we all loaded up onto Bard's barge. He kept eyeing me like he was curious about me. I left Fili and Kili's side and walked over to Bard. “Instead of just looking you could ask what you want to know.”

“Why is a woman especially one as beautiful as you and human traveling with dwarves?”

I chuckled and lightly nudged him. “If I didn't know better I would think you were flirting. As for your question.” I looked to the dwarves and smiled. “They're family. I've been with them for so long and I can honestly say I'd be lost without them. Where they are is home. I would do anything for them. Even stare down the dark lord Sauron and all the orcs of Mordor if it meant protecting them. They are my best friends, my most trusted advisors, the people I can talk to no matter what,” I finished my explanation.

Glancing at Bard I noticed he was smiling. “You're in love with one of them. Don't try to deny it. I can see the look in your eyes. I looked at my wife the same way,” he said.

A slight blush tinted my cheeks as I nodded. There was no sense in denying it. I had almost confessed to Fili down in the dungeons who I was in love with, but then Bilbo had shown up and I had almost forgotten about it. But now the fair haired prince was staring at me having overheard mine and Bard's conversation. I knew he was curious who I was in love with, but before he could ask Bard was making the dwarves get back in the barrels.

Bard looked to me when I refused to move. “Not happening. I know what you plan to do,” I whispered to him. He raised a brow and I knew he was asking how I was going to stay hidden then. I rolled my eyes and turned my back to him. I kicked off the pair of boots Beorn had given me and started to pull my tunic over my head.

“What on earth are you doing?”

“You'll see.” I finished removing my clothes and shifted. Turning I sat down in front of Bard and took in the surprised look on his face. It was rather amusing to see him caught so off guard.

“'re a wolf. How are you a wolf? And how is that supposed to get you into Laketown unseen?”

I let out a small sigh. I would have thought the answer to that was simple enough. “Well I have the ability to change between wolf and human. Very nifty skill if I do say so myself. As for getting me into Laketown unseen, you can't obviously. But if you wrap a bit of cloth around my back leg you can say you found me injured on the shore and you decided to take me in and nurse me back to health,” I explained.

Bard was a little tentative. He wasn't entirely sure the plan would work, but he wasn't about to try and force a wolf larger than him into a barrel. Instead he did as he was instructed. He tore some cloth and wrapped it around my back leg. When we stopped for goods inspection I stayed curled up in the corner looking up at Percy with innocent eyes. He thought I was pretty and was going to let us go when Alfred showed up.

I hated that weasel with a passion. When he got near the barrels I let out a snarl. He stepped back frightened, but still ordered the guards with him to dump the fish overboard until Bard made him see reason. As Bard pushed his barge further into the town I let out a huff. “I really hate that man. He's such a slimy weasel,” I growled.

Bard chuckled and was quick to agree. He didn't like Alfred either. In fact I was pretty sure no one liked Alfred except maybe the master of the lake, but he was no better. Both Alfred and the master were greedy, slimy,  cowardly little weasels. And I was glad they would get what was coming to them. It was the only reason I hadn't bit Alfred when he got near me. Okay maybe not the only reason, but it was part of it. I also didn't want to have his filth in my mouth. For some reason I thought he would taste worse than the trolls or goblins.

As we walked toward Bard's house Fili came up beside me. “So you were going to tell me who it is you're in love with?”

I looked up at him and was about to answer when once again we were interrupted. This time by Bard's son Bain. Guards were watching the house and the dwarves would have to come in another way.

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