Battle Of Five Armies

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The happiness from mine and Fili's love confession didn't last long. We had Thorin to deal with and the dragon sickness. He was working everyone to death trying to find the Arkenstone. I was so tired, hungry, and aggravated. Thorin was really working on my last nerve. It got even worse when the elves showed up and Bard tried to convince Thorin to give what was promised. It didn't work and I grew even more agitated. Seriously watching Thorin be a stubborn slightly crazed dwarf was a lot different than actually dealing with it.

Finally I snapped and shifted, tackling him to the ground, teeth extremely close to his face. “You need to get over yourself. This sickness is going to be the death of you and your nephews. And I'm not going to let that happen. I love Fili and I care a great deal for you and Kili. I'm not going to let you start a war with the elves and men. Not when you need to prepare to face Azog and his son. Do you understand me?” I snarled.

Glazed over blue eyes stared up at me with anger. “How dare you. I am king. You have no right to tell me what to do. Get off me.”

My eyes narrowed and I snapped my jaws right by his ear. “Listen to me now Thorin Oakenshield. You are not your grandfather. You are a brave, strong, caring leader. You have done much to protect the company. Remember how much we all care for you. And then look at what you have become. You know this is not you. You are better than this,” I said trying to get him to see reason.

After a few minutes Thorin's eyes start to clear. He's coming around to himself. I can see in his eyes the realization if what he has done, what he was on the verge of becoming and then the sorrow at falling so far. I let him up and he rests his head in his hands. “What have I done? I went back on my word. I've worked all of you to death and for what? A stone that means nothing if I'm not the man I claim to be. How can any of you forgive me?” He looked up at me sadly.

Not being able to shift back as I had destroyed my clothes when I shifted in anger, I laid my head in his lap. “We all forgive you, Thorin. We know that wasn't you. But there are things that need to be done if we are to survive the battle to come,” I told him.

“What would you have me do?”

I talked to him for some time telling him of the plan I had finally concocted. If we could get everyone to fight on the same side we might just when this and Thorin, Fili, and Kili live. He reluctantly agreed to talk to Bard and Thranduil, giving them what it was they wanted and were owed. When Dain showed up we informed him of what was going on and a battle strategy was formed.

Everything seemed to be going well. That was until I noticed Thorin, Fili, Kili, and Dwalin going toward Ravenhill. The very place I had told them to stay away from. My paws pounded hard on the ground as I chased after them. I managed to make it just before Thorin sent Fili and Kili to scout.

“Stop it's a trap. They can't go in there.”

“What are you talking about lass?” Dwalin asked.

“If you send them in there Azog will kill Fili and then Kili will take off and trying to save Tauriel will die as well. And you Thorin will be left to face Azog alone and you will kill him, but you will die.”

“Please tell me you aren't serious,” Fili begged.

“I'm sorry my love, but I am.”

“Then what do you suggest?” Thorin asked.

I looked to the tower and let out an ear piercing howl. One that would chill even the bravest man to his bones. It was a call, a threat, my way of letting Azog know his plan had failed; the line of Durin would not die today. And my howl was matched by a furious yell as Azog came out of the tunnels and peered down at us. “If you want them, you'll have to go through me,” I snarled.

There was a wicked glint in Azog's eyes as he looked down at me, but I didn't fear him. I rushed to meet him head on. The others were swarmed by goblin mercenaries, but at least they were together. I knew they were safe. Azog and I danced around on the ice. I would swat at him and he would swing his, rock on a chain. I wasn't really sure what that thing was called, but I avoided it. He even tried to stab me, but I managed to dodge. Neither of us was able to land a blow and I could feel myself growing tired.

At some point I noticed Legolas and Tauriel had joined the fight. The redheaded elf stuck by Kili and when Bolg arrived he didn't stand a chance against the elves and dwarves. Soon enough he was dead, but Azog was still alive and distracted. I let out a huff of air and prepared to kill him. Leaping through the air I managed to grab his head in my jaws and rip it off. I landed on my feet and slid a little before dropping it.

With Azog and Bolg dead the battle was pretty much won. Especially with the arrival of Radagast, the eagles, and Beorn. I walked over to the others happy to see they were all okay. Kili and Tauriel were sharing a hug, Thorin rolled his eyes, but let them be. Legolas nodded at me in a show of respect. Dwalin was grinning proud of how well I fought. And Fili was looking at me with all the love in the world. I walked up to them and the closer I got the more worried they seemed to be.

“What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“My beautiful snow please tell me that isn't your blood,” Fili said as he dropped to a knee and reached toward my chest. As soon as he touched it I let out a hiss. I guess that answers that question. Somehow when I killed Azog he had managed to catch me with his blade.

“I'm fine. It isn't that bad. Let's just get down from here.”

No one believed it wasn't that bad, but they listened to me and we all climbed down off of Ravenhill to greet the others. Tauriel was about to walk off, but I grabbed her tunic. “Don't go. What you feel for him is real and he loves you too. Don't let Thranduil or anyone else stand in the way of that. And if your worried about Thorin I'll deal with him,” I assured her.

She smiled at me and nodded. “You're right, I shouldn't let them stand in the way of my happiness. I thank you for advice and your kindness. Now can I offer you some?”

“Of course.”

“Have that wound treated before you lose consciousness. It's worse than you are letting on.”

I rolled my eyes. “I'm going, Im going.” I trotted toward one of the tents to be treated, Fili following after me.

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