Coming Home

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I looked up at Erebor smiling happily. If a year ago you would have told me I would be staring up at this mountain, standing next to the dwarf I loved, I would have called you crazy. None of this was supposed to exist. It was supposed to be a world created by Tolkien. One that everytime I read the book or watched the movies I bawled my eyes out because I felt Fili, Kili, and Thorin deserved a better ending. They had all three fought so bravely to reach the mountain. Thorin had overcome so many hardships from losing the mountain in the first place, watching his grandfather lose his head, his father disappearing, he even beat the dragon sickness. And poor Fili and Kili, they grew up on tales of the mountain. They fought so hard to help their uncle take it back only to die in the end.

It broke my heart everytime I read the words or watched those scenes play out. What made it worse was in the movie Thorin and Kili had someone in the end. Tauriel had been there for Kili and Bilbo had been there for Thorin. But strong, caring, majestic, golden-hearted lion had been alone. He had died broken crying for the others to run. My heart ached at the mere thought. None of them deserved the end they were given. They deserved to enjoy their victory, celebrate with their kin and the company. Erebor was reclaimed and Azog defeated. Why Tolkien hadn't given them that ending I'll never know. Why he felt the need to rip our hearts out and stomp on them I would never understand. And Peter Jackson had only added to that pain.

A hand landed on my shoulder squeezing softly. I turned seeing it was Fili looking at me with concern. “Are you alright Snow?” He asked. His hand came up cupping my cheek wiping tears away. I hadn't even realized I was crying until he wiped them away.

“I'm fine my lion. I was just thinking about how things would have turned out had I not been here and  stopped you and Kili from going into that tower. It was something that always broke my heart. Something I wished on many occasions I could change,” I admitted to him.

Fili smiled and rested his forehead against mine. His bright blue eyes were full of love as he pressed his lips to mine tenderly. I held onto his arms tightly and kissed him back with just as much love. My eyes closed when his tongue pressed against my lips asking for entrance. I opened my mouth letting my tongue snake out and rub against his. The way he tasted was even better than he smelled and I was consumed by him. His smell, his touch, his taste invaded all my senses and I was floating on a cloud. When he pulled away he kept his forehead on mine. “You did change it, Ria. Uncle, Kili and I are all alive because you got there in time. You even got hurt trying to protect us-” his hand touched my chest “-and not for the first time either. You've risked your life countless times and gotten hurt a few to keep us safe. I can never thank you enough.”

I smiled and threaded my fingers in his hair. “Yes you can.”


“Take me home.”


“To our room in Erebor. I'm ready to go home. And that is home.” I had been trapped in a tent in Thranduil's camp for a week now thanks to my injury and I was sick and tired of it. As it turned out Tauriel had been right. The cut was worse than I was letting on and I had almost passed out as soon as I reached the tent, but now I was well. And I was ready to go back to the mountain where I belonged. It was were my family was.

Fili scooped me up in his arms being a little dramatic in his excitement. But I thought it was the cutest thing in the world. I wrapped my arms around his neck and laughed. He wouldn't be able to carry me all the way from Thranduil's camp to the mountain, but I would let him carry me as far as he could. Which apparently was over to a pony that the elf king had surprisingly offered. Fili sat me down in the saddle and climbed up behind me. His chin rested on my shoulder and he kissed the side of my neck. “Let's go home. I can't wait to make you my wife,” he whispered and we rode off.

Our wedding had been a grand thing. His mother, Dis, had insisted on everything being perfect. A lot of it was dwarvish tradition, but I had convinced them to make rings and the groom not be able to see the bride until the wedding. I even managed to find something old, new, borrowed, and blue. I had a garter as my something new, the friendship bracelet I had made as something old, my necklace had a small sapphire gem, and my something borrowed was earrings from Dis. By the end of the ceremony I don't think there was a dry eye in Erebor. All of our friends, family, and friends had been there to witness the momentous occasion.

At the reception drink and food were flowing. I had been snatched up in dances by everyone in the company even Thorin. It was the most fun I could remember having in a long time. At the moment I was dancing with Kili while his own fiance, Tauriel watched on happily from where she sat. Most of the dwarves in Erebor ignored her, some threw her strange looks, but the company was grateful for everything she had done. She had saved Kili's life and helped us defeat Azog. Even Thorin respected her and accepted her for what she was, the love of Kili's life. Kili spun me and I landed in Fili's arms.

“Hello husband.”

“Hello wife. Are you having fun?” He asked.

I nodded my head. “All the fun in the world. I never thought I would ever get to be this happy, find love, get married, and yet here I am.” My eyes sparkled with the love they held for him.

“Who would have thought you would find your happiness so far from home?”

“That's the thing, Fee. I'm not far from home. This is home. I think from the moment I first picked up The Hobbit, middle earth has been my home. My home has always been with 13 dwarves and a hobbit. I fell in love with Erebor from a distance, but in my heart it's where I felt at home. I felt like I belonged. And that moment I met you in the woods I knew I was right. I was never meant to be in that other world. I was always supposed to be right here, protecting you and the others, falling in love with you, and becoming your wife. And I'll belong right here beside you in this mountain until the day I die,” I told him.

Fili's eyes glistened with unshed tears. He stopped dancing, pulled me close and kissed me so passionately it took my breath away. “From the moment I first laid eyes on you, this human girl as small as a dwarf, but as fierce as the large wolf she could turn into I loved you. You were so brave and strong. You didn't let the fact your world had just turned upside down bother you. You accepted it without question. You were there for all of us, protecting us, caring for us, making a joke or telling a story when we needed it. It was like you had been with us all along. To me you were never an outsider, you were supposed to be with us even if I didn't know the reason. But now I do.”

“What's the reason?”

“Your home isn't in Erebor it's in my heart.”

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