Chapter 3

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(Stan Pov)


I stared at Wendy and Token a bit longer before I made up my mind, "I a-agree with Wendy..." I mumbled earning Kyle to look at me shock. "really?!" Token said shocked as the two people kept banging begging for us to open up.

"S-Stan their the same age as us..." Butters whisper rubbing the side of his arm tearing up, "you guys are crazy... open up before they end up like the teachers!" Clyde commanded earning Token to move closer to the door as Wendy pushed him away.

"Help!" the boy screamed banging even harder as the girl kept crying on the other side of the door, "Token we have to keep us safe! it's too late for them!" Wendy shouted knocking Token to the flour as we heard a loud painful scream from the girl as the boy started crying.

I watched as Tweek covered his ears as Craig was hugging him tight while Butters stood there frozen from the noise as he slowly broke down crying, "s-shit!" Bebe said hearing the door being banged with groaning behind them.

Wendy looked over at me "Stan keep this door shut while I look around for anything that could be useful" she said rushing off with Bebe and Heidi leaving Red with us as Kenny checked her hand.

I moved beside the door gripping it making sure no matter what the lock wasn't going to break, "I d-don't believe we let them die..." Kyle whisper helping me out with the door as Token was on the flour holding his head in shame.

Bebe and Heidi soon came over carrying one of the benches making me and Kyle move as they blocked the door up, "nice..." I whisper earning Heidi to smile over at me as she walked over to Kenny and Red.

sighing I turn to face Kyle who looked away from me, "d-did we really have to let them die?..." he whisper making my heart break at his sad face, "I-I'm sorry... I just wanted to make sure that we're all ok... and those things could of been so close if we did open the door" I admitted not wanting Kyle to hate what I did...

"I guess... but they were still our age!" Kyle pointed out crossing his arms pouting at me, I felt as if I did a mistake for letting those two die...

maybe I should of listen to Token and help him open those doors...

but my thoughts soon ended as Craig walked over to us, "Kyle, me and Stan saw what those things could do" he said with a blank face. "we watched those teachers die and we had front row sits to watch two students get eaten" Craig confessed making me tear up at the memory.

"I think we did the right thing keeping those doors shut" Craig added sighing as Kyle didn't say anything but pull me into a hug.

"fuck..." he whisper making me clam down a little as Kyle hugged me, we soon pulled away staring at each other "m-maybe it was right... but lets try and save people instead of letting them die ok?" Kyle whisper giving me his sweet smile that I love.

I nodded as we both walked over to the bars looking outwards to see students who were still alive running away and was knocking those things down... but they just kept getting up, we could even see some people being eaten...

my eyes soon turned to Red hearing her coughing badly, "they fucking bit her" Heidi said angry as Kenny kept looking closer to Red's hand. "shit, it's deep but it'll heal" Kenny whisper pulling his backpack off his shoulder finding some painkillers.

"here you should take some since it'll help you with the pain" Kenny whisper smiling over at Red who nodded wiping her tears away as Wendy passed her water bottle to Red.

"you ok?" I whisper walking over to the group earning Red to shake her head, "n-no my body feels so weak and my hand is killing me" she said pouting a little. I peeked at the bite mark seeing indeed it was bad but it shouldn't be a very bad thing.

"so... what's the plan" Butters whisper looking over to Wendy and Me" I felt my face turn pale not really knowing what the fuck we should do...

"we need fucking weapons" Wendy mumbled looking over the bars seeing what is happening, "we got to see our family! I want to make sure Karen is ok!" Kenny stated worried making Kyle nod his head, "I agree I want to know if Ike and my parents are ok!" he added.

"I must agree I want to see Ruby and make sure she's ok..." Craig mumbled rubbing his chin, "they should be in their classroom in the lower part of the school" Bebe said making us nod.

"so we'll split ok?" Wendy said smiling, "half of us will go find your brother and sisters and the other half will find weapons" Wendy said taking charge in the group.

"I think I'm going to stay here with Red to make sure she's safe" Bebe said earning Butters to nod agreeing with her. "s-same" he whisper looking down rubbing his knuckles together.

"that's fine, we'll end up grouping up back here ok?" I said smiling at the three who nodded happily that we're aint going to leave them for good.

"so who's going with who?" Craig mumbled crossing his arm as Tweek kept beside him twitching a little, "well Kyle, Kenny and Craig should be finding their family members" Wendy stated rubbing her chin as she thought.

"and Heidi, Clyde and I will go find weapons for us" Wendy added she soon looked over at me and Token wanting to know what we wanted to do, making me look over at Token who shook his shoulders.

"a-anything I don't care" he whisper upset earning Clyde to walk over putting his hand on his back, I thought for a moment before sighing...

(This is your choice, who should Stan join? Wendy,Heidi and Clyde? or Kyle, Craig and Kenny?)

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