Chapter 17

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(Stan Pov)


"Better open up before I break this fucking door down!" he hisses out angry as Tweek kept pulling his hair panicking, "shit..." I mumbled rushing over to the door and pushing the desk and tables to the door pushing all my wight to it.

"Tweek you gotta climb" I said worried feeling whoever was behind the door kicking it now, "I-I can't!" Tweek sobbed out "Tweek I promise you won't fall, Craig is up there and will help you get up but you got to go while I give you time" I stated groaning a little as the door open a little before I forced my whole body back on the door as Tweek was shaking while staring at the door.

"b-but w-what if I fall!?"  he shouted earning the guy behind the door to growl annoyed.

"kid I'm getting angry out here!" he shouted, "Tweek please, I'm trying to help you" I begged getting scared as I felt the door slowly move open, Tweek soon agreed slowly climbing out of the window as he slowly started climbing slowly.

I gasp feeling a hand grab my shoulder as I saw Tweek's foot go out of view as the door burst open as I ran to the window but gasp as I was thrown to the floor with my hands to my back.

"little shit thinking he can hide away from me" the man's voice mumbled angry as I felt my hair being pulled through my hat making me let out a small cry.

"I swear I heard another voice..." the man mumbled dragging me around the classroom to make sure no one else was here before dragging me out of the class and down the hall.

"l-let go of me!" I hissed out kicking the guy's leg making him groan in pain before my head was smashed to the wall making everything go dizzy as more tears ran down my cheeks as I felt weak, I could see another person walk over as the man who caught me passed me over to the other person.

"another one trying to hide" the guy said making me peek up to see him with red hair and a green shirt as he glared over at me, "Darrul make sure to check each room, we need more kids before we leave this shit hell" the man said who was holding me tight.

I let out a small groan reaching for the side of my head to see blood... that fucker bashed my head so hard it made me bleed.

I was soon pulled away down the stairs noticing whoever those people were, they had guns and I'm pretty sure they wasn't the nice kind of people...

I gasp as we walked outside seeing a van as the guy open the door and thrown me in as I let out a small cry in pain holding onto the cut as I felt arms wrap around me. "Shit Stan!" Kyle hissed out making me look up to see Kyle's messy hair and teary eyes staring back at me.

"it was a trap..."  Heidi whisper making me look around to see Heidi sitting on the floor with her knees up hugging them close as I looked around more and saw Clyde hugging Token who's knocked out.

"shit... what the hell is going on?" I whisper sitting up as Kyle stared at me, "we're not sure... but I heard them talking before they went in looking for more of us, they said something about making their own camp..." Kyle whisper as Heidi groans annoyed.

"they are kidnapping us, if anything they could kill us!" Heidi hissed out angry as I stayed in Kyle's arms for a moment before pulling away.

"we got to get out..." I mumbled standing up and walking to the doors seeing that it's locked, "tried that" Clyde mumbled upset.

I ended up giving up sitting beside Kyle as he checked my head being really gentle frowning a little, "so what happen?" he whisper making me sigh. "Butters was the one who screamed and we ended up getting trapped in a classroom by zombies... until that guy came Butters and Craig climbed and I got Tweek to climb as well but... I didn't have time to get away myself" I said upset hoping the guys are okay.

Kyle soon shushed me as we heard movement outside, "I think we got them all" a guy said as I pressed my ear to the back door listening in with Kyle.

"good, let's get on the road" another guy hissed out making Kyle's eyes go wide. "f-fuck that! I'm not leaving Ike alone!" he hissed out and started banging on the door "let us out you bastards!" Kyle shouted making me back up hearing footsteps come closer.

as the door open Kyle fell to the ground making my eyes go wide as the guy that seemed to be Darrul kicked Kyle right in the stomach earning Kyle to gasp in pain as I rushed out of the van blocking Darrul from even touching Kyle again.

"what the fuck is wrong with you?!" I hissed out turning around to face Darrul as he just rolled his eyes and slapped me across the face making me fall to the ground whimpering in pain, "there's going to be a change children, we are in control now and you will not speak back" he stated making me glare at the floor holding my cheek in pain.

"get them back in the van, we're leaving" another guy hissed out making me look up to see the guy had a red shirt and jeans who also had gray hair, I felt myself being forced up and pushed into the van but as I turned around I heard a loud gasp seeing Kyle had made a ran for it as Darrul groans "shoot him but don't kill him!" he shouted as one of the guy aimed their gun at Kyle.

(This is your choice, Should Stan...)

Knock the gun out of the guy's hands and hope that Kyle will get away...

Do nothing and let Kyle get shot for running away...

Try and run as well...

Get in the middle of the guy who has the gun and shout for Kyle to come back...

(By the way Keep checking your relationship status with everyone)

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