Chapter 23

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(Stan Pov)


Sighing I looked up at Scott seeing he was crying from fear, "let's go" I whisper earning Scott to smile wrapping his arms around me. "thank you Stan! thank you" he said with joy as I hugged back.

I couldn't help but feel horrible knowing Clyde is going to get hurt because of my choice...

me and Scott ended up waiting longer until we were sure it was dark enough that we wouldn't stand out as much, Scott grabbed the car keys passing me the gun. "I-I'll take the dagger s-since I don't have good aim" he whisper making me nod as we both slowly left the hidden room as I had the bag around me.

we both kept low hiding behind boxes and walls as people were on a look out, I hold my breath following Scott where the cars should be hoping I'm doing the right thing. the hall way soon made me know where we were knowing we're outside Darrul's office...

while we were sneaking pass I couldn't help but hear crying inside "S-Sto-P!" Clyde's voice cried out making me stop in my track with wide eyes feeling regret, I wanted to open those doors and beat those bastards up for even touching Clyde! but... Scott grabbed my hand and stared into my eyes with worried eyes, "w-we got to keep going" he whisper making me nod as Clyde's crying slowly went away...

as soon as we got to where the cars are I grabbed Scott's shoulder stopping him as two people walked over as I hold Scott next to me by the wall staying hidden, "you think Darrul is still hurting that kid?" the first guy asked.

the other male nodded stretching his arm out yawning, "yup I went in there like an hour ago, the kid is a fucking cry baby but he he's strong... he haven't passed out yet" he responded making me tear up.

I was holding all my might not to go back since it's too late to go back, the two guys left as I pulled Scott to the car that we had the keys to hopping into it. "y-you know how to drive right?" I mumbled remembering I never asked that as Scott only locked the car before letting out a small chuckle.

"nope!" Scott responded as he started the car earning people to notice us rushing over, I gripped onto the dashboard before putting on my seat belt as Scott gripped onto the steering wheel as he pressed down on the gas pedal.

"s-shit!" I mumbled as Scott drive into the group of people who jumped out of the way getting on their walkie talkies as Scott went for the gate, "it's closed d-dude stop!" I shouted scared but everything went slow as we went right through it making me grip harder feeling a aching feeling through out my body looking over seeing Scott had forgot his fucking seat belt and was knocked out.

"f-fuck me sideways!" I hissed out undoing my seat belt and moving Scott to the back before hearing banging on the windows and car making me peek over seeing a guy trying to break the glass making me pushed down on the gas pedal as Scott did knocking some people off getting so much rush in my blood and started driving ahead before hearing a gunshot behind me.

god damn it Scott!" I hissed out annoyed keeping my eyes on the road before pulling out my gun that we loaded opening the window and poked my head out taking my eyes away from the road for a second shooting their wheel before putting my eyes back on the road ahead hearing a loud crash behind us.

after a while I got the hand of driving sighing not hearing anything behind us, even checking the mirrors before doing a small stop to check Scott. I made sure there was no walkers anywhere finding a gas station stopping outside before slowly turning around to face the back to see Scott's head was bleeding badly but he was breathing...

I unlocked the car taking the keys out as well just to be safe and walked to the back opening to put Scott's seat belt on wiping some blood off his forehead, "I-I'll be right back okay?" I whisper closing the door before rushing into the gas station not seeing anything but everything on the floor.

I saw so many sweets and treats but didn't pick any of them up grabbing most of the bottle of waters and found an aid box throwing in all the plasters anything that would help us in the future!

as I was about to leave putting everything in my bag I felt a solid thing touch the back of my head making my eyes go wide gripping my bag in front of me, "are you bit?" a male voice asked making me shake my head as a no fast.

"p-please don't shoot" I begged my voice was shaky as I heard a small chuckle behind me, "are you alone?" he asked making me keep my mouth shut. I wasn't sure what this person would do or who they were!

"is the car outside yours?" another male voice asked making me shake, fuck there's two of them!

I moved my head only to earn a hard hit in the back of my skull making me let out a low groan of pain gripping my head, "Christophe!" one of them shouted annoyed. "he isn't speaking let's just rob the guy!" the one behind me responded making me let out another groan shaking my head as the two kept hissing at each other.

(This is your choice, Should Stan...)

Try and fight back while they are not paying attention...

Tell them about Scott that he's hurt and your trying to help him...

Give up your bag and let 'Christopher' take them...

Tell them that your trying to get back to your friends at school...

(By the way Keep checking your relationship status with everyone)

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