Chapter 5

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(Stan Pov)


"I-I'm sorry Kyle but Kenny is right" I admitted earning Kyle to stare at me shocked, he's eyes teared up but didn't say anything crossing his arms as he looked away earning Ike to wrap his arm around Kyle giving him a hug.

Craig walked to me peeking out as well gripping onto the bat with his life, I soon nodded giving the sign for Craig to go as we all slowly left the classroom behind Craig who had already been seen by those things...

two limped over dragging their feet on the flour reaching their hands out groaning, Craig rise his bat as Kenny whisper to Karen to not look. Karen nodded closing her eyes tight gripping onto Kenny as Ruby watched her brother as he bashed the person's head knocking them into the other person.

I could hear a small gasp from Ike who hid his face in Kyle's side shaking at what he just saw, Craig was fast to rise the bat again swinging it to the next person who came up knocking them to the flour and bashing their brain making sure they were dead.

we all slowly followed as Craig kept killing them but as I notice three were all coming at the same time I knew Craig wouldn't be able to take all three, I rushed to his side looking over to his face to see that he had blood on his cheeks and had a blank face panting a little from the swinging.

"Stan take that one while I take those two" Craig commanded swinging his bat to one of their legs knocking them to their knees and hitting the other with the bat as I got closer to the person who I got told to keep busy...

I didn't really know what I was meant to do since I didn't have anything on me so I kicked their knee not doing anything but made them more angry and grab my arm as I pulled away from them yelping a bit from fear.

"F-Fuck Stan!" Kyle hissed out running over to me pulling me away from the person as he was trying to pull my arm to his mouth, "C-Craig help!" I hissed out as Kenny kept the children safe.

after Craig finished the two off he rushed over before the guy could bite me bashing his brains out sweating a bit while panting, "g-good job Stan... you gave me time" Craig mumbled looking around to see we cleared the hall out.

Kyle soon pulled me into a hug before letting go, "t-this wouldn't of happen if we just ran past them" Kyle whisper earning Kenny to look over to him "they were five of them!" he hissed out as Karen sobbed on his back.

"l-lets just go already... before more of those things come" Ike whisper shaking still earning Kyle to nod, we all walk to the stairs but I couldn't help but feel bad...

I didn't want Kyle to be upset with me about agreeing with Kenny but... those things eat people... they kill them!

"K-Ken you sure you can carry me still?" Karen whisper worried as Kenny nodded smiling "I'm sure sweetheart" he whisper walking up the stairs as Ike and Kyle soon followed behind, Craig looked over at Ruby pointing up the stairs signing for her to go first.

she only stared at him with a blank face before walking up as Craig turned to me, I could still see that the blood was still on his cheeks and even on his chin making me think about how would Tweek react if he saw the blood?

"w-wait" I whisper pulling my sleeve to cover my hand as Craig stared at me confuse not moving as I moved closer to him wiping the blood off gently as Craig stared into my eyes for a moment, after I was finished I stepped back giving him a friendly smile.

"didn't want Tweek to see blood on your face, he would freak out too much" I whisper seeing Craig nod before giving me a small smile, "thanks Marsh" he whisper walking up the stairs. I slowly followed behind making sure non of those things saw us.

as we got to the top I could see the blood from the two people we let die on the flour and walls and even a hand print on the door that looked as if they fell to the ground while their hand was on the door.

we could hear talking and panic voices behind the door as Kenny knocked the door hoping they'll open up, it seemed like someone heard this time and open up slowly to see it was Butters.

"K-Karen!" he said happily as Karen grinned, we all walked past the door getting out of the room and onto the roof. Kenny placed Karen on the flour letting her and Butters hug, "F-Fuck!" Bebe shouted making me and Craig look over to her to find Red in her arms with her eyes closed with her mouth open...

her skin was pale, and she wasn't moving... like her chest wasn't even moving up and down, we both walked over confuse seeing Bebe holding Red tight. "s-she isn't breathing!" Bebe hissed out as Tweek was pulling his hair from the side on the flour with his knees close by.

Craig walked over to his boyfriend as Kyle stayed with the children, so I got on the flour beside Bebe putting my head on Red's chest trying to make sure Bebe was telling the truth. "h-how?" I whisper not hearing a heart beat with my eyes going wide.

she was alive before we left?!

Kenny walked over to us leaving Butters with Kyle, "what happen?" he whisper upset looking down at Red in Bebe's arms as I sat beside her.

"s-she was crying saying everything hurts and t-then she felt so sleepy and this happen!" Bebe sobbed out, we all stayed like that for a while before Kenny spoke, "w-we should put her somewhere... I don't want the children to see her body like this" Kenny whisper peeking over to Ike, Ruby and Karen.

Ike was talking with Kyle as Karen spoke to Butters but I could see Ruby staring right at us... at Red... as she walked over her eyes watering up a little, "i-is Red ok?" she whisper keeping her voice low earning me and Kenny to look at each other but before we could speak I felt movement beside me...

"R-Red?" Bebe whisper hope was shown but as Red's chest was moving again... he let out a low groan and before I knew it her hands were grabbing onto Bebe's boobs trying to pull her closer making me yelp backwards as Kenny grabbed Red's shoulders as fast as he can.

"CRAIG!" Kenny shouted with panic as Bebe yelled from shock, I stared at Red from terror to see her eyes had went white and she was drooling everywhere, I could hear Craig panic from afar making me panic!

(This is your choice, what should Stan do? tell Craig to throw the Bat to him or tell Craig to hurry up and help Kenny keep Red from hurting Bebe?

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