Chapter 27

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(Stan Pov)


slowly wrapping my arms around Craig hugging back as tightly as he is, "do you understand how I felt not seeing you come up after Tweek?!" Craig scolded against my chest making my cheek warm up as I chuckle at how cute Craig was.

never thought I would see the day when Craig would ever hug me or even worry about me.

"awe did Tucker miss me~" I teased feeling Craig try to pull away but I kept a tightly grip around him seeing him glaring at me, "don't you dare ruin the moment" he warned making me smirk wanting to tease the other male more.

"no need to be worry, I'm here now~" I said teasing him more as Craig's cheeks got darker, probably from anger, "d-dude stop" he whispers making me smile.

"where's my welcome back kiss?" I asked making Craig's eyes widen and his whole face went dark red but before I could tease him more a cough was heard making me look over to see Tweek strolling over tugging Craig away from arms and hugged him. "g-good to see you back.." he mutters out as Craig looks away from me and towards the boys behind me.

"so who are they?" Craig mumbles making me turn to see Scott standing there awkwardly with his sleeves hiding his hands while Christophe was whispering to Gregory who shook his head slowly before sighing, I strolled over to them all smiling "this is Scott, he's the one who helped me get away" I explained seeing Kyle nod slowly who smiled at Scott.

"this is Gregory, he's pretty chill and his friend Christophe" I added not really wanting to add anything more to Christophe, I soon spot Damien walking over to us from where he was sitting with the children and Butters.

"so what, you brought more people to feed here, Stan I'm glad that you're not dead but we don't have the food to bring anymore in the group" he stated sounding as if he had took control of the group.

slowly looking around noticing the girls and Kenny were gone, "wait what happened to-" I was soon cut off by Craig. "they went out looking for food in the town, we're keeping the kids safe here" he explained smiling over at Ruby who was sleeping with her head on Karen's shoulder who was also asleep and Ike was by the window.

nodding at the news, "so can we leave then? I wasn't planning to stay" Christophe snapped out making Gregory sigh. "Stan I'm glad we met, but we got to keep moving" he stated in a calm tone "maybe we'll meet again" he added before winking as they left.

I felt unhappy a little to watch Gregory leave but happy that bastard was gone, "so... what happened when you guys was taken? since... I don't see Token or Clyde or even Heidi" Kyle said leaning on the wall with teary eyes.

staring at the floor I couldn't hold it in, "they took us to a camp, they're probably making them all work as we speak. but... I had to get out of there, it's the only way to save them" I stated knowing it was a once of a life choice of freedom there.

"so.. y-you left them!?" Tweek shouted shocked as Craig grabbed his arm to hold him away from me, "I had to! if I stayed nobody would of gotten out! I came here to get you guys to help me!" I explained making Kyle bit his bottom lip nervous of my idea.

"so.. you got out and you want to risk our lives now?" Damien said looking rather annoyed, "if anything you guys shouldn't of gotten taken, so why should we do anything" he says harshly and without thinking my hand slowly turned into a fist beside my side.

this asshole really just said that... 

"I..I think we should help them, I mean you saved me so I'm in" Kyle whispered making me smile but before I knew it Damien was against the wall by Craig who had his arm choking Damien who was trying to shove him off, "g-get the fuck off m-me!" Damien hissed out.

Tweek rushed over to Craig grabbing his arm in panic "B-Babe s-stop!" Tweek begged making Craig growl under his breath before releasing, "you're not their friends so you wouldn't understand" Craig mumbles out making me frown.

Token and Clyde are Craig's best mates... and Wendy and Bebe are sure to be angry that I left Heidi behind...

"we should wait until the group comes b-back before planning anything" Tweek said as Craig sigh nodding, I soon felt a tug on my shirt turning to Scott who looked more scared than anything.

"y-your.. not planning to go back right?" he whispered worried and confuse making me stare into his eyes "my friends are still there... we have to" I stated earning Scott to stare blankly at me before nodding slowly stepping away.

I soon turned away seeing Kyle strolling over to Ike as Damien rolls his eyes going back to relaxing on the desk he was using near Butters who was making sure Ruby and Karen didn't wake up while Craig and Tweek start talking to each other.

(This is your choice, Should Stan...) (you can pick two choices.)

Talk to Scott...

Talk to Kyle and Ike...

Talk to Damien...

Talk to Tweek and Craig...

Talk to Butters by the sleeping children...

(By the way Keep checking your relationship status with everyone) 

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