Chapter 28

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(Stan Pov)


sighing I couldn't help but feel ashamed for leaving Craig's and Tweek's friends behind, strolling over to the two hearing their chat "calm d-down C-Craig it's ok.." Tweek says holding Craig's hands tightly into his much smaller hands that was shaking a little.

frowning at them I spoke up "s-sorry about leaving them... but I did it so I can tell you guys where they are" I explained earning the two to look over at me, Tweek glared over at me while Craig sighs.

"yah I understand... and I'm glad that you did come back" Craig mutters out earning Tweek's eyes to widen a little as he walks up to me "well I-I'm not!" Tweek hissed out, it was clear that he was furious with me.

I understood why he would be angry at me with the whole Token and Clyde thing but... I somewhat feel as if he's angry at me for a whole other reason.

"I said I'm so-" "sorry doesn't fix everything!" Tweek shouted angry gripping the front of my shirt making my eyes widen at the sudden contact forcing Craig to pull Tweek off me. "Tweek what the fuck? I know your angry but Stan did the right thing!" Craig stated earning Tweek to curse under his breath.

"I k-know b-but... Ugh! fuck you both I need alone time" Tweek hissed out shoving Craig away from him and walks towards the classroom door before grabbing a baseball bat and left.

I felt relief that Craig was on my side and even stopped Tweek from beating my ass, "you.. ok?" Craig mumbles worried making me nod. "I'm fine um.. I'm sorry... if I st-" I felt my cheeks heat up as Craig placed his hand over my mouth to stop me from talking "Marsh you did the right thing, if you didn't come here we wouldn't of known where you were or the others" Craig stated with pink cheeks.

he soon removed his hand making my heart beat a little... d-do I have a thing for Craig?... he makes me feel like how Kyle made me feel before all this happened...

my thoughts soon ended as Craig smiled at him a little "hey um... Marsh let's go get our friends back" he chuckled out doing a fist bump towards me as we shared our first fist bump together.

I couldn't help but blush walking away and looking around and soon spot Kyle with his brother by the window, I was glad I saved Kyle from being taken... he had his younger brother here who he has to protect.

strolling over to them I sat beside Kyle who smiled over at me "so you spoke to them?" Kyle mumbles peeking over at Craig who was checking their weapons "yah... Tweek is pissed at me" I responded sighing which Kyle turned to me.

"yah I heard, it's kinda hard not to listen to the blonde who's shouting. hell as soon he grabbed you I was ready to stand up and knock him out" Kyle muttered out annoyed but smiled soon after at me.

"Kyle... is the others alright?" Ike whispers frowning as he watched the walkers from outside walk around, Kyle peeked over at me to answer which I did.

"yah, their ok, we're going to go find them and break them free" I stated earning Kyle to smile happy with my answer. Ike nodded slowly turning to face me and Kyle, "you saved Kyle... he told us what you did" Ike says frowning before rushing over to me wrapping his arms around me into a hug.

I felt myself smile hugging back "of course, I'll always save Kyle" I stated knowing my promise I did to him back at the gym.

Ike soon pulled away smiling at me, I couldn't help but like sitting beside Kyle and having this moment to relax with them, the moment soon ended when the door opened to show the rest of the group.

Wendy placed down her school bag not noticing me yet but Kenny who stood there staring at me right away from the door, "holy fuck, Stan!" he said shocked rushing over earning Bebe and Wendy to look over.

"where's the others?!" Bebe asked confuse making me frown but before I could speak Damien spoke, "he left them to die" Damien stated coldly making me glare over at him, "that's not true!" I hissed out.

I knew we killed his boyfriend but he needs to stop being an asshole!

Wendy's eyes widen when Bebe covers her mouth "explain now." Kenny said crossing his arms wanting answers like the rest did.

sighing I soon told them everything that I told the rest which was getting annoying by now as the three looked at each other "we're going to go find them" Kyle stated staying by my side having Wendy nod "sounds like a plan to me" she muttered out.

Bebe sighs placing her hands on her hips "we should leave tomorrow so we can rest up" she stated earning Craig to walk over shaking his head "no we're leaving now since you guys are back." Craig stated knowing he wants to get on the road fast.

"all I know the kids should stay here" Butters said frowning, making Kenny nod "I agree some of us should stay here while the other group get the others back" Kenny stated. "there's still the school bus... outside.." Ike whispered making Kyle ruffle his hair, "so we have our car... so should we go now or in the morning?" Kyle asked looking over at me.

(This is your choice, Should Stan...)

Agree to leave in the morning with a group...

Agree to leave right with a group...

(By the way Keep checking your relationship status with everyone)

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