Chapter 25

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(Stan Pov)


"We don't have time, get in the car everyone!" I shouted jumping into the front throwing the bag in the back seats as Christophe rolled his eyes running on the other side of the car jumping in the front beside me while Scott hopped into the car with Gregory in the back.

"S-Start it!" Christophe shouted shoving his shovel in the back as Gregory took it, I started the car fast hearing Scott yelp as his window started being hit by a zombie trying to break it open.

"w-what are they?!" Scott shouted scared as I pressed down on the pedal driving away from the gas station hitting couple of the zombies on our way out, I gripped the wheel tighter as a zombie landed on the front groaning while trying to break the glass in front.

"Gun now!" Christophe commanded holding his hand out in the middle of the car as Gregory passed his gun to him making my eyes go wide, as the zombie had started cracking the window. I could see in the corner of my eye as Christophe open his window getting half of his body out of the window and shooting the zombie right in the head in front of me.

the blood splatted onto the window while I kept driving gagging a little, Christophe pulled his top half back into the car passing the gun back to Gregory wiping the blood off his cheek. "nice shot" the blonde mumbled placing the gun back into his pocket, I could hear Scott in the back whispering to himself in shock.

"that was a close one..." Gregory mumbled sighing earning his friend to agree while I drove towards the school, "so... I'm guessing your both tagging along now?" I mumbled as Christophe glared over to me as if I had just said something crazy.

"don't you think we're pals because you took us with you" he stated making me roll my eyes, I was getting annoyed at how Christophe is treating us. I saved his damn life so I want respect!

They were the one who tried to steal from us anyways! And knowing them they would of stole the car if I gave any of them the keys.

I kept driving keeping my eyes on the road noticing the road was empty, it was as if people have vanished from the planet. I felt myself shiver at the thought, maybe this isn't happening? Maybe it's a dream?... I wanted to believe my thoughts than see the world as it is.

"Oi I'm talking to you!" Christophe said hitting my shoulder making me yelp, "w-what is it!?" I hissed out annoyed since I was driving. "I said where are we going?" He repeated crossing his arms at me, should I tell them about my plan to go back to my school where my friends are?

"Somewhere safe, I got friends I want to see again" I stated knowing I probably have to drive for a while until we get there. they soon stopped talking and I felt myself relax and after awhile I could hear Gregory speak to Scott who was gripping his hair, "b-but all that wasn't real right?" He said wanting it to be fake.

Christophe chuckled a little hearing the two, "he's not going to make it if he doesn't start believing this new world" he mumbled making me frown. the thought of Scott dying scared me, sure I don't know the guy very well but he's still young...

I should teach him the basics or something when we get to the school...

time went by and the sun was soon gone, I could slowly feel my eyes closing a tiny bit as sleep wanted to take over. my eyes shot open feeling a hand on my shoulder "pull over I'll drive for a bit" Gregory offered giving me a small smile.

I bit the inside of my cheek peeking over at Christophe seeing that he had fell asleep and his brown hair messy covering his eyes as he slept quietly before checking the mirror in the middle seeing that Scott has even fell asleep and was sleeping like a a tiny child in the back seat.

I peeked over at Gregory seeing him smiling, "I promise I won't pull any tricks, I just don't want you driving while your tired" he explained making me feel a tiny bit happy at the offer. "you don't even know where I want to go" I mumbled out earning him to chuckle.

the longer I stared into his bright blue eyes I felt myself feel relaxed around him... 

"so you going to pull over and swap with me? or a least take a break and let me smoke" he said with a small chuckle, I stared at the road again thinking about my choices before making up my mind.

(This is your choice, Should Stan...)

Don't pull over and keep driving...

Pull over and let Gregory drive while you sleep...

Pull over and let Gregory have a smoke break but you drive after he finishes...

Pull over and let Gregory have a smoke break and let him drive after he finishes while you sleep...

(By the way Keep checking your relationship status with everyone)

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