Chapter 22

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(Stan Pov)


"so... how long have you been here?" I mumbled wanting to know more about this boy, he's smile was soon gone and he stared at me with a blank face. "I'm... not sure it's been too long" he whisper looking down away from my eyes.

oh great now I feel like a asshole.

"sorry I didn't meant to bring that topic up..." I lied sighing, looking around the room as Scott only let out a small chuckle but I knew that was forced. "i-it's fine... but all my time here I've always wanted to leave... I miss my family" he mumbled making me hold his hand.

"you'll get out" I said wanting to make him feel better as he looked into my eyes, "I hope so" he mumbled. I got to change the topic fast, "who was that lady?" I asked remembering the girl who spoke to Scott.

"oh that's um Katie" he mumbled making me nod a little, "she seems nicer than the rest" I said making small talk seeing Scott smile a little. "yah she acts like my older sister here, she's the only reason why I haven't gave up on hope" he admitted.

I felt a bit happy that he had someone that cared about him so much, "that's good, what do you normally do?" I asked wanting to know more about this boy Scott. he tapped his chin for a second before sighing "at the moment I would be at the greenhouse and making sure everything is watered" he said making me nod.

so this place has a garden? 

"that's pretty cool" I mumbled as Scott stood up and walked to the hole, "I should probably get back to work before Darrul notice" he mumbled but before he left he turned around to face me. "Stan do not leave this room, do not make any noise and I'll be back... please rest your arm" he stated before leaving me alone.

as I waited I couldn't help but wounder what would Darrul do when he finds me gone from the office?...

I soon got off the wooden chair and sat down on the floor relaxing by the wall, I could hear talking past the poster until I loud yelling was heard. "THAT FUCKER!" Darrul shouted making me move a little closer to the poser hiding still, "what's up Boss?" a man's voice asked confuse.

"that annoy little brat is gone! who came into my office!?" he shouted angry I could hear people mumble on the other side of the wall, "Keep your eyes open! when you find him bring him to me!" he shouted again making me hold my breath.

they were talking about me...

"how about you grab one of his little friends and surely he would come out..." another male voice said making me frown, were they planning to use one of my friends to get me to come out?!

"that's a great idea! go get me one!" Darrul said and no longer after their voices stopped as they walked away...

sighing I felt horrible knowing one of my friends were about to get taken to Darrul or worst... hurt, it didn't take long after waiting for Scott to come back as he crept in making sure the poster was hiding his spot.

"S-Sco-" he shushed me before giving me a smile, "Stan we can leave here... tonight!" he said happily making me stop talking staring at him in shock, did he mean we could leave and escape?

"I have it all planned!" he said rushing to the box and I just notice he was holding carrying a brown bag placing it on the table signing me over, I walked over slowly as he pulled out a map and a car key and canned soup and a tin opener. he even had a gun and bullets and a sharp dagger!

"I would never thought about leaving alone but after meeting you. I knew you and I could really make it out together! while I was working I saw Darrul really angry and the guy who was keeping an eye on the keys left to see what was wrong with him! I got the key Stan!" Scott said with joy.

"t-that's g-great!" I said feeling joy run into my mind knowing I could leave today and get back to my friends back at school!

our happy moment soon stopped bringing us back to the real world as a speaker was heard through out the whole building... there was a small chuckle from Darrul before a small sob was heard, "Stan... your friend really want you to come back to them so do come out and show yourself~" Darrul purred out making me shiver a little.

"P-Please S-Stan!" Clyde's voice said crying making me look down hearing Clyde sobbing in the speaker, "Come out... before I get angry and your friend takes your punishment~" Darrul said as if I could see the smirk on his stupid face...

the speaker was soon turned off and Scott only stared at me...

"I-It's a trap... Stan please you have to come with me tonight... we could leave this place!" Scott said tearing up a little as if his whole life was about to get crushed again...

I stared at my hands thinking... if I come out from hiding Clyde could be safe... "Stan.. please it's a trap" Scott mumbled upset placing his hand on my shoulder as I kept thinking.

if I leave... I could get back to our friends and come back to save the rest here... we could get better weapons from my Uncle gun shop...

(This is your choice, Should Stan...)

Come out from hiding and stay at the place and take your punishment...

Agree with Scott about leaving tonight and go back to the school where your friends are...

(By the way Keep checking your relationship status with everyone)

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