FOURTEEN | Spoken.

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FOURTEEN | Spoken.

Norman Haze, grew up in the Aristricata foundation along with his older sister. His favourite colour is blue – but only if it sparkles. His favourite animal is a wolf and his favourite food is lemon pie.

On top of that he has been coming over every day this week – with me refusing for any witch knowledge from him. At first he seemed suspicious, but after I had baked him a lemon pie his suspicion seemed to dissolve into delight.

Now, it was Friday and I had a bag packed and had told Norman I was hanging out with Yuma for the weekend. In reality, I was off to give gramma my fish then shove my class readings into my bag in attempt to not completely fail this semester. I had already missed two months of classes – I couldn't afford to miss anymore.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I was quick to order an Uber and haul my bag onto my shoulder and fling the door open. This time, I was sure to wait for the notification on my phone before I walked towards the car.

My eyes scanning the app on my phone, then the white Volvo's licence plate. Sure it was indeed the correct car, I opened the car's door and placed the fish tank in the corner of the back seat. Then, I slid in, moving over so Balfer could jump in beside me.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! You didn't say anything about a fish and a dog!" The driver said quickly.

I blinked, looking back to Balfer who took the shape of a small, puffy, Pomeranian then back at the driver. Realizing, this was a very mundane issue I frowned, batting my eyes in a way I prayed my hyphened looks would be useful for once.

"Please sir?" I threw in some sniffles causing the man to sigh.

"You're lucky you're pretty. If it shits on my seats you'll be talking to my insurance broker," he threatened.

I didn't believe if "insurance broker" was the right terminology but I wasn't about to correct him. Instead I smiled brightly, nodding my head gratefully. Herold merely glubbed in his tank, and Balfer made himself comfortable against my leg.

Then we were off with a squeal of tires. This driver didn't seem to care for small talk and for that I was grateful. I wasn't quite sure what I'd talk about anyways. Instead, he blared the radio at a level that clearly suggested I did not talk to him. I didn't mind however, with his rude attitude he was sure to get one darn star from me.

Soon, we were pulling up in front of gramma's home and I didn't bother thanking the driver as I grabbed the tank and slid out. Balfer jumping out before me. As soon as my hand moved to close the car door – he was already pulling out of the driveway and cutting across the sidewalk with such speed I stumbled slightly and let out a strand of curses – censored of course.

"Stupid freaking, rude people," I muttered hotly under my breath.

I shifted Herold in my arms to have a better grip of his tank as I stormed towards the house – with Balfer on my heels. Pushing the glass door open with my forehead and stepping inside the air conditioned overly white lobby give me no attention as people buzzed busily around.


Ignoring the sign in desk I walked right past, and down the hall towards gramma's room. Knocking briefly, I pushed the door open and stepped into the overly green and brown bedroom. There she was, shuffling her deck of tarot cards wearing a long sleeved, simple blue sundress. Her grey hair was frazzled around her like the strands were trying to escape and upon my arrival her silver eyes turned towards me.

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