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"I got you coffee, I didn't know your order, so -" Shawn placed mug on the Camila's table, her eyes behind the glasses smiled.

"It's okey, I like every coffee, but isn't that my job to do?" She asked taking a sip.

Shawn grinned at her, showing his beautiful teeth.
"For the beginning"

"Oh" she chuckled taking off her circle gold shaped glasses.
"Well thank you"

"You're welcome"
He held the knob as he kept smile on.
Camila stood up taking papers from the table.
"I finished these papers"

He opened doors and walked out

She followed behind in his empty office.
Rain poured outside, water drops hitting big windows.
"You already finished all of this?" He asked as he looked through the papers.

"Yes" she smiled "when?" He asked her looking up.
"Um - over night"

He looked at her she just smiled, trying to hide her tiredness.
"Camila" his voice low but soft and warm "you don't need to work overnight, have time for yourself too"

"Mr. it's fine"

He warned with his eyes "never again. If you're going to work overnight I'm working with you"

"O-Okey" he placed papers on his table and stood up.
In the moment he tried to ask her something, someone knocked in.

"Come in!" He said out loud.
Camila took papers back in her hands, placing glasses back on her eyes.

Cameron walked in with big smirk on his face, next to him sticked a girl, wearing short skirt and top.
She had an evil smirk on her face as she walked in.

"Shawn" Cameron closed the doors.
"As you met me with your new assistant so nice few days ago, I want to meet you and her with my new one"

Camila stood next to Shawn looking at two of them as they approached.
"Pretty stranger, Shawn, this is Hailey"

She sticked her hand to Camila first "nice to meet you" Camila said politely, feeling kinda nervous.
The air was totally filled with anger.
"Mr. Shawn"

She held her hand to him. He just looked at and he rose his eyebrow.
Camila looked confused at them two.

"What a nice meeting, pretty stranger, what's your name? I think I should know that because we're going to almost work together" Cameron looked at her, with huge smirk.

"No, Camila definitely won't work for you, if you have a problem, please talk to me"
Shawn's voice was a total warning to the pair.

Camila stayed quiet, but her head full of questions.
"You made yourself clear" Cameron said, Hailey checked Shawn out, saying "bye Shawn"
They left.

Shawn sat back in his chair, exhaling loudly, Camila looked at him. Her body jolted as thunder became louder.
"I know you have questions"

"Definitely" she whispered.

He showed her to sit, and she did. Before he started to talk he took sip of cold water what was on his table.
"That girl, his new assistant" he looked down "is my ex"

Camila's mouth shaped 'O' but she let no sound.
"Yeah, Hailey. Jesus" he chuckled at his own words.

"Why Cameron hired her?" She asked him, really curious.

"Probably to make my nerves go crazy, but she's really good at this job. She's really smart and clever, she is going to be big help to him"

Camila looked down at her hands.
Her lips in thin line, her eyelids closed for a quick second.
"Hey, but not as good as you are" she looked at him, their eyes locked. They both smiled.
"I don't kno -"

"I do know, Camila" she blushed pulling her hair behind her ear.

Doors opened and Alisson walked to the with big rush.
"Shawn" she said as she stood by, "Camila"

"Aunt what's the problem?" He asked her reading her face stripes.
"Cameron is problem and his little kitten"

Camila chuckled at Hailey's nickname.

"What do you mean miss?" She asked her, Alisson walked to Shawn's laptop and opened one file.
"I mean, they put salt on our wound"

Shawn sighed throwing his hands down beside him.
"What did they do?" Camila asked frustrated. She doesn't like that girl at all.

"They found our painful spot, while we just did first paperwork against them. They're ahead of us"

Camila walked to them and stood behind Shawn looking at his laptop.
"But that doesn't mean we're losing" she had hope in her voice.

"No, but they definitely have something more. We need to be ahead of them. I can't let that jerk have this all now. Not just that part"

They send then an email of the file where they found, finished assignment.
The painful spot is one that; they can also have part of the company Shawn already own.
It sounds really unreachable, but the truth is. It's really all messed up, they need to be careful.

"Shawn hunny don't worry, we'll come up with something"

"Alisson how? What? I'm not my dad"

Her eyes softened "you're Shawn. Maybe even better boss. I believe in you he does too. I know you. You don't give up that fast"
She finished and walked out.

His aunt Alisson always leave him like that, when she says something meaningful to him.
He has no time to answer her to drag himself down.
Because she always leave him to think. But she's also always there.

"It's more dangerous now" Shawn sat down on sofa, Camila joined him.

"But we're strong" she said looking down. "Am I?"

"You're. We're." He looked at her. She smiled as she locked gaze with his. It was small smile.

"I think I can't do this" he whispered his eyes dark. "Because of what? Pressure, your ex?"

He shrugged it off. "I really hate her"
"It's because of her, we're going to show her it's her loss" her words Strong left her lips.
Shawn blushed at brunette what was just incredible.

Her loss.
How she already made him stronger?! How is she even strong like this?

"No wonders why it's raining. God doesn't like her neither" Camila laughed at his words.
They sat really close to each other. Their legs brushing.

"I'm going back to work, tomorrow I'm buying coffee" she threw her hair behind, showing her golden neck skin.

"Okey" he said bitting his lip.
"Same order as yours today"
She nodded her head with smile.

A/n: I'm hopeful that you're still reading this. ❤️

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