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Hours passed away in this calm Sunday afternoon, Camila sat in her apartment alone, in silence. Struggling with her thoughts in her head it wasn't that quiet.

Gripping hard on her hair, exhaling deeply she looked at the table where her laptop was switched on, paperwork all over the white surface and one blue notebook laid down next to that.

Her mind could not work properly since Friday fight with her boss and secretly lover.
They haven't gotten on the date which made her sadder even more in this situation, and it's the end of the month.

That means she has too look at that blue notebook, face the issue all over again.
She is anxious about it - because if she doesn't pay it off, they can take all she has, and she doesn't has a lot.

Small apartment of one bedroom, simple bathroom, kitchen with two counters dining table which she's struggling a lot on.
And living room area.

She didn't want to lose this because her memories are here, bad and good ones.

Bad are wrapped in a box which is something in dust forgotten bit good memories are on the walls.
Pictures which reminds her all of perfect times she lived.

Shawn is perfect too.

She hasn't been talking to him that much for two days now.
She misses him a lot, she wanted to touch him, feel him and kiss him.
Then she wanted to breakdown in his hands and feel his kiss on her head and words he would give her.
Words of hope.

Camila stood up as someone knocked on her door "I'm coming!" She said quietly and that someone didn't hear her.

She opened door and in front of her stood tall brown haired boy holding one bag in his hand "hi" he whispered softly looking at her.

She was a mess, her hair in messed bun and she was in her PJs.
Under her eyes she had huge sleepy bags but she still looked beautiful in his eyes.

"Shawn" she swallowed.

He smiled curving his lips in perfect grin.
She felt chills down her spine.
God she missed him seeing smile at her.

Moving aside she watched him walk in, his gaze fell to the spot where she worked even today.

"What are you doing?" He asked her, she followed his gaze and sighed "just finishing something -" he nodded not wanting to argue with her to stop working at the time she's supposed to rest.

"I'm just going to change please wait" she realized how she looked all sleepy.

Shawn nodded sitting down on the other chair.
He put the bag down on the floor and waited for her.

"Do you want something to eat or drink?" Her voice echoed from bathroom.

He smiled saying "just water" but he didn't wait for her.
He got up and took glass from the counter where it was placed to dry and he opened the fridge.

"I - got it" Camila looked at Shawn's back, he turned around and faced her "your fridge is empty Camila" she sighed looking down.

There literally was water, milk and old cans.
His eyes softened as he closed the fridge.
"Do you even eat properly?" she sat back down on the chair saying "of course, I would die if I don't eat"

He looked at her, but she didn't look at him, she was embarrassed.
"You are so slim Camila"
She chuckled at his words, but he was serious.

"I'm not"

He rolled his eyes taking a sip of his water.
She closed her laptop and gathered all the paperwork.
Only blue notebook was there besides waiting to be opened.

"Why are you here Shawn?"

"I just wanted to talk"

She nodded and took the notebook, few papers fell on the floor, as she tried to pick them up, Shawn stopped her and did that before her.

"About what?" She stuttered as he looked down at the papers.

"About this" he put them down, for the first time her eyes locked at his, all she saw was warmness and kindness.

"Shawn -"

"No Camila. Listen" she bit on her lower lip listening "you don't have food in your fridge, you have money but you're saving it for this. I know you do, and you can't let yourself suffer because of this! God - I won't let that happen."

Her eyes softened, she sighed as she felt tears in her eyes.
"I don't know what to do, Shawn" she whispered softly "I need to pay it off"
"Baby" her heart skipped a beat as he mouthed the word.

"You'll. I'll help you - I know it is for your sister, as much as I don't know her, I still want to help you"

"I can't take that" tears rolled down her cheeks and he didn't touch her, she needed his hug.

"You won't" she looked up "you'll do it alone, I promise you, but slowly and you're going to be confirmed. If you fall I'll be here"

She smiled and got up, wiping tears away she laughed "sorry I'm pathetic"

"No, no God you're not. Here I've something for you" he took the bag and gave it to her.
"It's um...gift I had for you, I mean it to give it to you for the date we never went to"
He chuckled what made her smile.
Opening the bag she saw a red fabric.

"Dress?" He nodded "just for you - I mean we can go on a date now. Shall we?"

Thinking of that it's all she wanted now, time with him.

"Yeah, I need to wear this?"

"Of course. I hope it fits you" he winked with small smirk on his pretty face.


She felt happy, she looked happy, and that's all he wanted for her right now.
He held her hand as he walked her to the door of her apartment.

"I had the best date ever" she looked up at him with huge smile.
His eyes light up "me too"

"Thank you" she whispered holding a knob behind.
He still held her hand as she opened the door.

"Wait" he said and she looked at him again. Her heart beating out her chest as he took her face in his soft palm.

Gasping quiet her groan died in his mouth as he lingered their lips together after a long time.
She ran her hand through his hair, his palms on her hips now gripping the flesh.

He backed her inside her apartment and closed the door behind still kissing her.

When the oxygen became a problem she moved away "God" she chuckled breathing heavily, looking at his moonlight kissed skin.

"Let's go in my room" she said pretty confident in herself.
He didn't know what she is doing but he liked it in every way.

As they stepped in she placed small soft kiss on his jawline, his hands held her hands as she continued to kiss his neck.
When he felt urge to kiss her he did in her lips so softly like a small wind passed away, then her collar bone.
She had her eyes closed, in pleasure she wanted more, she had a desire for more.

Placing his hands on her back she gave him a hint to unzip her dress.

Her hands took off his shirt, she felt her dress fall down.
Stepping out of it she looked at him with sweet smile.
"Camila?" He asked not worried but still with care for her.

"Yes Shawn" she knew what he meant to ask her "I am sure" he kissed her forehead then down her face holding her close.

He laid her down hovering over her he gave her kisses down her skin.
The kisses he gave her so soft and special and pleasured touches of feeling made him valuable in her eyes.

He loved her that night.

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