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Shawn closed his car door behind. He put his hands in his joggers' pockets as he looked up at the sky sighing quietly.

He saw light on, in his office. He can't remember if he turned them off when he left the building in the evening.
Maybe he didn't.

Shawn went into an empty flat of his company. He unlocked door and got in, light was off.
He turned it on and saw on his right it wasn't his light what was turned on. It was Camila's.

He curiously went to her office and opened doors finding Camila. Her body jolted and she screamed a little.
"Jesus" she whispered, moving away from the table.

"Um what are you doing here it's almost midnight?" He asked her as she looked at his beautiful curves.

"Working. You?"

He had simple cosy clothes, like hoodie. What made him really attractive too. She liked this side of him.

"I came to work, but I didn't except you here" she shrugged her shoulders still looking at him.

"You should be home, sleeping, resting" he ran his hand through the hair "you should too, now I guess where are stuck here"

"You're not, you can go home Camila" he said truthfully looking kind of exhausted.
"No, I'm not leaving you here alone" she stood up, he saw she's till in her work clothes.

"Okey" he definitely did just checked her out. She turned around and blushed taking her phone, coffee and laptop.

He left into his office, waiting for her.
Shawn sat on comfortable couch he has there and opened laptop.

"What were you up to?" She asked landing next to him.
He gazed on her laptop screen "same thing as you are" she nodded and showed him that he opened wrong file.

"You're welcome" she smiled to him what caused him to smile too.


Time passed by really slow.
They were exhausted and tired but they kept on working, in silence.
Just if they shared examples or suggestions, that was the only time they talked.

Camila tried to make herself comfortable in her clothes, it was getting cold to her in that.

He looked at her and asked her after not even thinking.
"Do you want my hoodie?" She shocked her head "No - no im good" she lied.

"I've t-shirt under, please don't get yourself sick. It's getting cold" she gave him the look, he just bit his lower lip rising hoodie over his head.

He gave it to her and she excused herself to change in bathroom.

"This is huge" she stood next to the door, slowly smiling looking like small cute bear.

"You cute" Shawn confessed as she sat down.
She took her laptop and wrote down everything she could think of for this case.

Shawn was so in awe of her love for this job.
He doesn't deserve her.
Literally she gives her all and everything.

"Camila" he slowly said looking at her. She turned to face him with red eyes.

"Why do you love this job so much?" He asked her really curious.

"I umm, I wanted it, I don't want to get fired" he chuckled "you're definitely not going to get fired"

"I asked like. Why did you go on this college and -" he looked at her. She sat on her side "my um sister signed me for this college and I started to love it because of her, she said I'm talented for it?" She chuckled as she finished moving her hair away from her face.

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