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"what are you staring at?" Hailey asked her boss.
He didn't move his gaze as she stepped closer.
"Oh" she said softly looking through the window.

She furiously gripped her bag, Cameron moved his eyes to her.
"What's up with you?" He asked her curious.
"Nothing, what about you?"

He sighed as trio on the street talked together and talked.

"It's just I don't like them like that" Hailey rose her eyebrow.
"Like what?"

"Um, happy, smiling I just have feeling they're better and I don't want them to be"

Hailey chuckled, nodding "understand, but you've an eye on Camila, for a long time" she said dragging the word 'long'

"I do" Hailey clapped her hand for an answer.
"Shawn is so much better with her, his whole company seems like - like"
He couldn't find a right word so Hailey said "everything is so smooth"

"Have realized that" she whispered as her gaze followed Shawn as he entered the building without two girls.
"I want her" Cameron said, his eyes followed the car they left with.

"What?" Her voice above the whisper. "You want her? In what way"

"Believe me or not" he turned to walk to his table "in every way" she stayed in silence, looking at him.

"Don't you want Shawn, still?" She rose her shoulders "I hurt him, he isn't for me, I mean - I want him. But he's not the match"
Cameron chuckled "but you still want him"

She walked closer "what about" she sat on his table next to him "we could just lightly mess up with them" she moved his hand on her thigh.

"Hailey" he warned moving hand away.

"Cameron, are you blind? They're falling for each other" she almost screamed "what?"
"Yes, how they look at each other! He never looked at me like that. We can't let them be happy! Okey. I want them to suffer. Even you wanted her or not. You can win her if we break them"

He smirked getting up, facing her "you" he whispered "you're such a bad girl" she smirked looking as his hands rested on the table next to her sides.
"I am"
"How bad?" She rose her shoulders, "come and see by yourself"
He grinned as he aggressively smacked their lips together.


This morning Camila didn't go into her office through her boss' one, she walked through her doors.

After half an hour of her work, she already felt her head pounding.
Why's this day going to be bad?

"Hi" door opened without knock. Shawn stood there his nose red.
"Hi" she said sadly.

He sneezed two times, Camila chuckled "bless you"
"Thanks" he said softly closing his eyes feeling like sneezing again.

"How are you?" He asked as he stopped his sneeze.
"I'm fine, you?" He rose his shoulder pointing one finger to wait.
He didn't sneeze.

"Allergies" he said as she stood up, "sorry, wait a second" she opened her bag getting out pill.
She took glass of water.
"Here drink, it'll help trust me" he did as she said.

"You're welcome"

He watched her as she sat back down,
"Camila, you can have day off today, Zara really wants to see you" he said softly.
"Please, you deserve it and Zara is rushing around my office get her already out"

"I heard that!"

Camila chuckled nodding her head that she's going to do it.
She tiptoed and kissed his cheek softly and gently as he closed his eyes.

They walked out together as Zara exhaled "finally"
They went outside and waited for car to come.
"Girl you're so into this job, I would just wait to go from there and far away from this nerd" Shawn rolled his eyes playfully "that's one of the issues you don't have boyfriend"

Camila grinned at two of them.
"Oh really" he nodded, meaning it.
"Shawn sorry but don't poop"
Camila laughed louder at pair of cousin.

"Zara shush"

"What? C'mon why don't you have a girlfriend?"

Shawn rolled his eyes again "because -" he doesn't know the answer.

"Or you Camila, why don't you have a boyfriend" she rose her shoulders locking her eyes with Shawn's.
"I guess we're lonely squad? Eh"

Trio laughed softly, but tension was kind on fire.
"Here's the car" Shawn said, Zara ran on driving side and as she got in Camila turned to Shawn.
"You can go home after your hang out" he said and opened door for her.
"Okey thanks" she got in and waved with soft smile as Zara drove away in her Rover.


They both walked into small almost empty cosy cafe where seats were sofas.
"It's beautiful here" lights were shining warm and smell was like home.
"Yeah it's Hailee's"

"Really" Camila asked surprised, Hailee appeared from the behind.
"Hey girls!" She wore beautiful long dress her belly showing.

"Hi sister" Zara hugged her and Camila after her.
"C'mon let's sit"

They got themselves comfortable and their talks were going smoothly.
"I dated one, two, three" Zara counted on fingers "everyone was a jerk so now I'm totally single as you already know" Camila nodded as she took sip of the coffee.

"What about you?" Hailee asked her, "I'm um I had a boyfriend" her voice low showing no emotions "I ended things eight months ago"

"That's my girl!" Zara cheered but Camila gave her look "sorry, what happened"

"He - he bullied me, and he's the half reason my sister is gone" Hailee's face fell in sadness "is he in jail?" Camila nodded "I don't want him out" her eyes watered.
"I - I hate him" she bit her lower lip to stop the sob.

"Camila im so sorry"

"No, don't pity me. Everyone's sorry" she looked down at her hands "sorry can't bring anything back"

"Sure it won't give you your sister back" Zara said placing a hand on her knee "but it can't give you love. You're scared to give yourself into love. You're declining it"
"You know Ariana would want you to be happy and be loved and fall in love again"

Camila looked at Zara, her lips in line.
It isn't like she doesn't want to love again in first place, it's that she's again going to be broken.
Even she has nothing to lose, she'll lose herself.

"Just think, who's sorry for you and who really mean that you will find yourself -" Hailee just asked herself when did my little sister grew up.

That night Camila laid in bed, not thinking straight but her mind is curious.
She had her life being normal again but she kinda felt empty.
She took her phone to see what time is it, because she can't sleep and tomorrow they're flying to Paris.
She read the message.

Hope your day went good. Be ready for tomorrow, see you soon.
Shawn, 10:37pm

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