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Camila walked with Shawn, hands holding in gentle way.
As they walked in, Camila exhaled deeply. Her legs in high heels under her long red dress, dragging slowly.
Shawn next to her smiled and said "just relax, okey?" She nodded with small smile.

Many eyes flew to them, they knew that they were going to get many compliments.
Camila looked like total princess. Her long hair down her naked back, her red dress. She looked gorgeous.
Shawn wore black suit with butterfly tie.
He looked like prince.

"I want you to meet someone" Shawn whispered in her ear, she nodded following his lead.

"Charlie" Shawn said to boy in suite who stood there with one girl.
"Shawn!" He greeted him with smile and hug.
"Lauren" Shawn said to green eyed girl.

"It's been a long time! Man I'm so proud of you!" Charlie said with smile, his gaze moved to Camila who was smiling at them.
"Is this your girlfriend?" Shawn's eyes widened "oh no, no. She's my assistant, Camila" he looked at her.
"Camila this is Charlie and his girlfriend Lauren"

"Nice to meet you" she handshake with two of them.
"I just wanted you two to meet my right hand in work, she's really big help"
Camila blushed softly her cheeks becoming soft red.

"Hi guys!!!" Zara came from behind and she got between Shawn and Camila.
"Hello" Camila chuckled at her behavior.

"Zara, you didn't miss me at all" Shawn joked with her.
"You neither to me. I came to steal Camila from you" she sticked her tongue out.

As they turned their eyes widened "holy fuck" Zara mumbled under her breath.
"Shawn" Camila whispered and he turned to her.

"How are they here?" She asked him as three persons approached to them. They were closer and closer.

"I don't know" he stood straight looking at them.

"Good evening" Zara rolled her eyes looking at Cameron and Hailey.

"Shawn, Camila" Cameron smirked at Cuban.
"Shawn" older woman grinned at him "Karen" he said back showing no emotions.

"You can't call your mother by her name" she said looking at him then at Camila who looked at them with soft look. Being scared a little.

"You're not my mother" he said with threatening voice.
"I see you got yourself a something here. She's working for you right?" She asked looking at Camila with fake smile.

"How did you say that? Like she's a thing? And none of your business" he took Camilas hand and walked away from them.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" he said to her as they sat down on the table.
"Shawn it is okey" she simply said.

"No it's not. If I stayed there a second more I would explode" she took his hand under the table "calm down, I understand you" he exhaled heavy breath as he felt her hand. He relaxed in same second.

As other began to sit down next to them she moved her hand away.
"Dad, what are they doing here?" Shawn asked his dad as he sat down.

"I don't know son" he was annoyed already by their appearance.
"They still own one part of the company" Hailee said across of them.
"But they don't hold our surname!" Shawn yelled whispered to them.

Camila next to them kept quiet looking at them.
"Calm down, okey?" Zara said to him.

"I can't" he whispered, wishing no one heard him, but Camila did. Her lips in line, she watched him shaking his legs.
She anxiously placed her hand on his knee and he stopped.
Shawn slid his hand under the table and they locked their fingers together.

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