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"Oh my God - she's so cute!" Camila exclaimed herself as she got in room where Hailee held her firstborn child.

Shawn stood behind Camila looking at the baby with awe,
"Can I hold her?" Camila asked and Hailee tiredly nodded as Cuban girl carefully took baby in her arms and moved to sit on the sofa.

"What's her name?" Shawn asked as he sat besides his girlfriend and the baby.

Niall held Hailee's hand as he smiled softly saying "Ema"

"awh! That's perfect guys!"

Camila teased her fingers on Ema's cheeks as she was smiling, Shawn wrapped one hand around his girlfriend and other held Ema's head.

"Hailee she's got your big eyes" Shawn said and Camila nodded, "totally yeah, and chubby cheeks, so cute"

"Shawn look how cute she is!" Camila giggled sweetly as Shawn laughed softly.

"Guess Shawn - you have to make one" Zara said with serious face.

Young couple gazed at her as she questioned them "what?"

Hailee rolled her eyes "nothing"

"Girl wants baby, Shawn can give that to her - I hope"

"Zara" Shawn calmly said as Camila bursted of laughter next to him, her cheeks becoming blushy.

"Hah! See!"

"It's not like you haven't done it -" she smirked evilly and looked away.

"Oh c'mon Zara - there are still some virgin ears here!"

Niall said laughing at how uncomfortable Shawn and Camila are getting.

"I would say you but you just got a baby, so Ema? Nah she doesn't understand a word" Zara said winking at her brother in law and stood up.

"Want some coffee guys?"

"Leave!" Four of them said at the same time.


Shawn and Camila came back from shopping mall where they bought many stuff for Ema's new room and closet. 
Just as they came in something washed Camila so she got anxiety written all over her face.

''I am gonna take a shower'' Shawn said and he kissed her forehead as he left in bathroom.

She heard as water hit the tub and she sat down thinking a lot, how's life even gotten here in first place?
Is something bad going to happen? She never wants something bad to him, if is something gonna happen let it be her. She loves him so much it is weird, how hard the power of love it actually can be. 

She didn't hear door open she just felt arm on her shoulder, 
''are you okey?'' he asked her and she shocked out of her thoughts. 

It must be weird to sit on couch alone, with lights turned down and tv was off. 
''I um -'' 

''I have questions'' she said and he chuckled ''mind to share them with me?'' She smiled and nodded, as he sat down holding her hand in his.

She sighed ''how much'' she took a pause ''how much do you love me?''

He looked at her not knowing the right answer because words can't describe the way he feels towards his girl. 
''I um - I never loved anyone in my life like I love you. I can't even believe I have you, because you're like from my dreams, someone I ever wanted to have - the Sun in beautiful day, moon in dark night and rain when I need it. I don't know how much I love you I just know I DO'' 

''Wow -'' Camila sighed as one tear dropped down her cheek ''that was first question'' she chuckled squeezing his hand. 

''Do you see us having children?'' she asked carefully and he studied her face.

His hand took her cheek and he wiped tear away and he smiled, which relayed her a lot. 

''yes'' he answered ''I want to have children with you'' she let out a big cry of happiness as she wrapped her hand around his neck ''thank you'' she whispered. 

He hugged back not believing that hes holding  a women like her in his arms. 

so strong

so incredible





''I love you so damn much'' she said into his ear kissing his cheek with happiness. 

A/N: yeah sucks, filler. 

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