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Cuban girl sat in her chair, her face looking so tired and emotionless.
She's so in her own world, lost and confused. What her life has given to her.

She needs to stand up, go to his office but she can't. Seeing him will make her break down, melt in feelings again.

She lowered her head on the table and sighed, she heard a door open but she didn't look up.
"Camila" a female voice.

"Yes?" She asked "are you okey" Sarah asked her and she looked up nodding with smile "yes, do you need something"

Sarah looked like she was thinking and as she wanted to answer Shawn opened door "did you finish those papers?" He asked emotionless, and Camila nodded "excuse me sir" Sarah went out with smirk what confused Camila but she couldn't care less.

"Bring them please" he closed door behind.
"God" Camila groaned at sight of him leaving. What did she do? Why did she do it? She didn't even mean anything in way of hurting him.

All this time he was just helping her, being always there for her. Her shoulder to cry on and rock which held her from falling.

Getting her strength back she walked into his office.
He didn't look up from his laptop and that gave anxious feeling in her stomach.

"Here" she half whispered and left the papers down.


She folded her hands together, her head down low. She waited for him to tell her something.
"Court is this weekend" he nodded looking up at her, their eyes locked "I've finished those documents -"

"I know you did"

"I'll send them tonight?"

"Right" he said, his voice was still in disappointed. That caused most of the pain to her. He's still a young boy, but who knows a lot about love, he isn't the expert.
But he knows everything, how to hold a girl, comfort her, make her smile and laugh. But she didn't nothing then hurt him.

"Shawn -" he cut her quickly "I've something yours here" he opened his palm which laid on the table and under it was a ring.

She closed her eyes "I suppose it's yours I found it in my room" she bit her lower lip not knowing what to say.

"I didn't know you were engaged" she shocked her head in panic "I wasn't! -no never!"

He just looked at her, "Matthew -" he sighed as he heard his name "he gave it to me" she kept talking "it doesn't mean anything to me"

"But you kept it Mila" his voice was soft "I know, Shawn - it's just confusing"

"And to me?" He stood up "I don't know what you think of me Camila. Who am I to you? You asked me that question how am I supposed to know that if you don't?"

She how his back muscles grew intense, he's getting mad again. But she isn't going to light the fire.

"Who is he to you?" He asked, low tone. Like he has no respect towards himself.

"He's nothing to me anymore. You mean so much more"

She stuttered, Camila knew that wasn't best move, to stutter but she was anxious.

"God" he sighed "take it, please and go, you have finished your work for today"

"Shawn" she frowned slightly "please"

"Camila," the look he gave her made her wanna cry "go" and she left with a ring in her hand.


The night fell down, there were no stars on the sky, clouds mostly flew by but they left monotonous feeling.

Two bags laid down on the floor next to the sofa, Camila bit her fingers anxiously waiting for door to open.

She thought about him. He was on her mind most of the time. But then, what made her mind like a storm of confusing. Why is she so not herself last few weeks.


She wanted to know but there was no answer.

So she wanted to make herself clear because she can't live like this.
She can't drag him to live like that.

He doesn't deserve it.

Doors cracked open and her eyes drifted to him. His head hang down, she stood up.
"Hey" she whispered.

He gazed up and saw her standing next to her bags.
"I um -"

"You're leaving?" She nodded her lips in line "to your apartment?"

"No" she breathed out. He rose his eyebrow and gave her questionnaire look "I um - leaving the town"

"Oh" he closed door behind and threw the keys in the bowl. Sound of it hitting filled the silence.

"I know court is soon, I finished documents last night and sent it to you - everything is done"

"I saw it"

She wanted him to ask more but he didn't.
"I know you'll do it great even better without me, since I totally understand if you hate me now"

"You're not quiting your job?" He asked her "I don't know" was her answer.

She wanted to hear I don't hate you.

"We can call this a break?" Shw chuckled and he peeked a smile she didn't see in a long.
"A break. Were we ever in a relationship?" He said through smile painfully.

"I guess - y -no" he nodded and came closer to her. Placing his soft palm on her cheek she leaned in "I um" she whispered, her eyes starting to water.
"I just want to make myself clear, I don't wanna hurt you no more, so I'm leaving"

"Will you ever come back?" She locked gazes with him, bitting on her lower lip she didn't cry.

"Goodbye Shawn and good luck on court" she said, on her tiptoes she kissed his cheek and left the apartment with bags in her hand and two tears on her cheeks.

A/n: should I finish this story?
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