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Laughter filled room of Hailey's office as two gossiped.
"Yeah, they're definitely together" Sarah said to blonde girl "I mean that picture of the letter said everything" Sarah nodded chuckling "I mean I gotta admit they're cute. . . but nah"

Hailey looked at her friend with serious look "umm yeah" she played with her fingers "you're hiding something from me" Hailey scanned her and said.

Small smirk creeped on Sarah face and she bit her lower lip, shaking her head.
"Say it!"

"I think um you don't need to do the rest -"

"Rest of what?" Hailey curiously asked "Shawn and Camila - they aren't umm that good these days"

Hailey rose her eyebrow "what are you saying?"
Sarah simply nodded "um they avoid each other and you can see by the look that they aren't that - I don't know how to say"

"So clearly they're in argument?"

"Yes, probably"

Hailey clapped her hands and stood up from the table "then someone needs to comfort him" she sassed through the office to the door "follow me"


Day after she left, Shawn decided to take a walking to his job. He needed some fresh air to clear his mind. He didn't know what he felt, relief, betrayed, sad, depressed.

He just knew she's gone now.
And he doesn't know if she's coming back.

All the memories flooded in his head waking a huge emotions, his look was blank and he wanted to go back to his bed, but knowing she won't be there made him insanely mad.

Before the enterance of the building he gave 20 dollar bill to the homeless man, every morning he gave him more or less. But when the holidays began he gave him a lot to make himself feel like Christmas, something he deserved.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome"

Before he got in a man stopped him "hey - do you maybe know a girl, short, long brown hair, chocolate eyes?"

Shawn looked at the man "why?"

"She got out of the building really early this morning and gave me this" he got out of his pocket shiny ring which reflected by the morning sun.

He looked at it without a word "she said she doesn't need it, that its a bad luck - I didn't even got to thank her she stormed down the street"

Shawn gave the ring back saying "I don't know if I know her"

He sighed as he turned away and went inside.

She really did gave him a ring but in first place why did she take it?
He shocked his head like he didn't want to think about anything right now so he went straight in his office.

Where he met eyes of his ex girlfriend "Hailey" he fake smiled "Shawn?" She smiled for real which is the difference.
"I thought you're already here"

"I am now" he looked at her "what do you need?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to know how are you?" He narrowed his eyes saying "fine"

"The court is soon -two days"

"Did you come to warn me, because I'm pretty much aware -" she cut him "no no!" She chuckled moving closer "just - I -" she stood in front of him, tracing her fingers down his hand "I really miss you" she whispered, he kept quiet.

"What do you say?" She asked "nothing" he answered, but he didn't flinch on her touch as she moved further.

"Do you ever think of me?" She asked tiptoeing her face inches from his "Shawn?" her breath hit his face and he closed his eyes "what stupid game are you playing?" he asked her going in their noses almost touching. Her cheeks got warmer as shame took over "you're acting like a person I didn't even know at all - who are you even?" she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, that exactly. What I was even thinking to date you? Is this your real face or -? I was blind I guess, but maybe I don't regret it - I'm just sure I won't ever be blind like that again" she backed down and turned around "please make yourself out" he said as she stormed to go.

He sat in his chair and sighed heavily, God he was so harsh but honest, hundred percent honest. His mind was mixed with emotions, her. She. She's so unique and yes she's fragile. But he isn't sure if he's confident in loving her the same way as he did before. She isn't feeling the same?

He is sure he will love her and totally never forget her. Because she made him feel some type of way, he couldn't even explain.

Ringtone on his phone zoned him back on Earth and he picked it up, girl's voice painted wait a cry saying.

"It's dad he -"

A/n: I know how to end story. Please vote ♥️

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