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Brown Cuban girl walked down the nature trails of the park in Toronto city.
Her dog walking really slow ahead of her.
She had earphones in her ears as Dua Lipa sang with her unique voice.

Sunday was a day to do this activity, and there were a lot of people.
Young couples holding hands, friends laughing and some walking dog just like she did.

Thunder sat next to her, she knelt down taking her one earphone out.
"What's up buddy?" She petted his head, "tired" he scratched his head on her head.
"Let's go, we'll sit" she stood up and walked to the an empty bench where she sat down.

Scrolling down her phone with one hand, she held thunder with other.
She haven't been paying any attention on people walking by, or the boys who looked at her.

Her eyes flew to her dog as tall figure petted him.
"Shawn" she smiled "hello" he grinned looking at her.
"What are you doing? I thought you're allergic to them" he sat next to her as she asked.

"I am" she smirked looking down, shaking her head.

"Rare" she said "what?"
"He's not barking on you, he barks on everyone"

"He must like me then"

"What are you doing here alone?" He asked her "I am not alone" she sassed back to him.
"What are you doing here alone?" She asked same question as he did.

"Hum..I'm not alone neither" he looked at her eyes then behind her, she turned seeing one from somewhere familiar girl face.

"Is she your girlfriend?" She asked without smile on her face she is used to have, every time she asks him something.

He kept his look on her eyes.
"No, why?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"Shawn, help me" girl had light but kind of sweet voice.
He sighed getting up, she held Labrador retriever, who is really grown up dog.


They both walked to Camila "I want you to meet, this is my assistant Camila"
Shawn said as two girls locked gazes for the first time.

"Zara?" Camila asked confused.

"Karla?" Zara smiled widely her eyes grow larger.

"Oh my God!!" Zara threw her hands around Camila's neck hugging her tightly.
Shawn was confused about everything right now.

"Camila m-y cousin Zara, you two know each other, I don't know how, but I'm glad" he stuttered.

Both girl laughed at him "She was my college roommate!" Zara said and kissed her cheek.

"I thought I'm never going to see you again" Camila expressed her feelings, she was happy, really happy.

She saw her best friend after so many years.
"What a coincidence! You're this dork's assistant" she put her hand on her hand looking at Camila completely.

"You have changed, wow you're so beautiful. Puberty hit you like a truck"

"You're still ugly" Camila joked at young girl.

"What? I wasn't one with those bangs and those ugly af glasses. Dork" Camila rolled her eyes as Shawn laughed next to them.
She pointed to Zara, "shut up"

"Where's Ariana" Camilas face fell from the clouds, but she just shocked her head "we'll talk more about our lives" she faked smiled, Shawn saw more than that smile.

"I'm still wearing glasses tho, but style-ish. Have found boyfriend finally?" She changed the subject.

"No" Shawn said looking at Zara "she is more single than I am" Zara playfully rolled her eyes "rather be single than dating that duck Hailey"

She looked over at Camila who was smiling as she was looking at Shawn.
"Definitely" he whispered.

"Not for so long" she said quietly
"What, I didn't hear you" Shawn asked licking his lips.
"Hum I was saying this Hailee's dog is going on my nerves, I'm going back to her house, I can leave this devil.
Her being pregnant is exhausting to me"

Shawn chuckled "shut up" he laughed, Zara made dorky face before saying.
"I'm going, bye, you two have fun. Camila we're definitely going to catch up"

Camila smiled as she nodded and Zara walked away.

"Karla?" He asked her, she rolled her eyes blushing "don't please, that's my first name and I hate it"

"Oh why -- Karla"

"Shawn" she raised her eyebrow, her voice warning.
"Okey just kidding"

"Um do you want to go somewhere?" He asked her, "you asking me out"

"What no" he panicked "I mean it's definitely not for some kind of job date" she was so stubborn but cute.

"Oh, friendly date" he said quietly not sure.
"I'm kidding Shawn, my apartment is near and I've food"

"That's good plan, let's go"


Shawn looked on her white wall, while Camila prepared coffee.
He stood in front of of black frame, picture in it was really beautiful. Two girls smiling, one Camila and other he doesn't know.

"Here is your -" she stopped talking as she saw him.
"Who's this? Ariana?" He asked her walking to her.
He took mug from her hand thanking.

"Yes, my angel" she smiled feeling broken.
"Camila is she -?" She nodded "yeah she's gone" her eyes watered softly.
"I'm sorry" he quietly said.

"Shawn" she let out small sob "no, no it's okey. Don't talk about it now" he sat next to her, her tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Shh, don't think about it, be calm" he carefully hugged her. She wrapped her hands around him.

He didn't think, maybe she really wants to talk about it now. To him.

"It is okey" he whispered "it's not" she mumbled into his chest.

"She was a dreamer, she made me do this job and I'm grateful for that now she's gone" he listened to her "I - I don't know - she was so young, I hated myself, my life I hated her for leaving me. I'm all alone so alone right now"

His eyes softened as he looked at her, she rested on his shoulder, still crying.
"You're not alone"

"I've no one"

You've me.

"She had bucket list. Number one was to go in city of love. Paris. I always wanted her to go, now I'm going there for two days but without her. It is all my fault"

"Please don't cry, please" he kissed her forehead softly.

She calmed down for few minutes then she backed away from him apologizing "I'm sorry" ashamed.

"Stop apologizing, it isn't your fault for expressing something what's more powerful than you're. Your emotions are part of you. Part of your beauty"

She never dared to look at him
"I know, but you're my boss"

"Only on work" he said to her, she looked up, locking her eyes with his.

"I don't deserve this" she whispered, "you do"

She shocked her head, feeling low and sad.
Camila played with her fingers as one tear rolled down her cheek.

Shawn wiped it away saying so softly "I'm here. You're not alone" 

A/n: New character! And some new emotions showing up.
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