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Shawn left the phone on the table, locked.
He waited for Camila to come out the bathroom.
Shaking his leg he bit his fingers nervously, shower stopped and he stood up.

Canadian boy anxiously walked to bedroom looking at the doors of the bathroom.
As they opened he stood up, their gazed locked for split second, but she dragged it away.

"Camila" his voice a quiet whisper.
She stood at the same place as he walked to her.
"Can - I um can I touch you"

Her heart skipped a beat and it ached as she heard him asking that stupid question.
But she made him ask that.
And it hurts her knowing how she effected him in negative way this time.

Nodding she opened her arms slowly and he took her in his embrace.
Shawn rocked their bodies back and forth to the bed.
He sat down still not talking anything neither of two of them.

He had her in his arms, her breath in his neck calming down.
His hand in her hair slowly massaging her head.
Her hands snaked around him as she never wanted to leave him.
He kept her safe and that's all what he thoughts of now.

"Let's lay down"

He kissed her cheek gently, laying them down. Covering soft covers over them they hugged each other.
Shawn waited for Camila to fall asleep, his eyes closed but his mind wild opened.
Holding her close he heard how her breathing calmed and soft snores started to leave her mouth.
Kissing her temple he rested down with questions in his head.

What happened? What caused her to act like she never want him to touch her again.
Who's Matthew?


Everything went dark in a split second as crash was heard.
Camila managed to open her eyes with big body ache.
She looked around and saw a terror what caused her to knock out.

Her chest ached, she couldn't breath.
Her head was in deep drowning ocean and she couldn't swim.
Body was in a big hot flame but there was no fire.

"Camila, baby. Wake up" she heard the softest voice shaking her up.

"Oh my God" she was breathing heavily, as few tear drops fell down on her hand she realized she was crying.

"It was just a bad dream" she rested her head on Shawn's chest and calm down listening to his heart beat.

He kissed her head holding her close "you're okey"
She nodded, her hands wrapped around him.

After some time she has calmed down he asked her "do you want to talk about it?"

Camila thought; it should probably best not to talk about this ever again, but he deserves to know.
God, he actually is. Because he's doing all these things for her and he doesn't even know what's wrong.

"Yes" she swallowed and sat opposite of him "I had a dream about -" she bit on her lip "it's okey take your time" he brushed away her hair making her lean into his touch.

"About an accident" he nodded listening to her.

"I - I um it felt like real. Like it's happening all over again"

She started crying when she thought of it, it was hard to not to when you're hurt.

"Shhh" he hugged her as she sobbed on his chest.
"Umm I'll tell you everything" she mumbled the words out.
"Okey" he kissed her cheek.

The night was dark and monotonous, Camila looked herself in the mirror tired.
Her brown eyes big but eyelids closed tiredly.

"I'm ready!" She said making her voice sound excited, but as soon as she said those words her mood changed to the old one.

Walking out she saw her boyfriend standing there looking at her, with small smile.
"Camila" he said, she made a fake smile and walked to him.

He was grinning as she stepped closer to him, he whispered "uhmm you -" hard alcohol scent hit her nose, but soon enough a hand slapped her cheek.

"You look like a slut" she felt her eyes water as her cheek burned.

"What the fuck!"

"Don't talk to me like that" she turned away with her head down low.
But she made herself think; why do I need to be ashamed of myself because of him?
No I don't.

"You made me do this! It's a fucking Wednesday! I have to learn for my University work at a fucking cafe and go out with you - dead tired!"

His eyes narrowed, her voice was high and she knew he didn't enjoy it at all.
"What - how do you dare to talk to me like that"

"Shut the fuck up! How do you dare to treat me like this?!"

She was mad, she was enough of this shit what was happening every fucking day.
"You're a dead woman now" he stumbled over to her ready to do the usual things he has done before.

"Hey stop!" A soft but strong voice stopped him.

"Ariana move away" Camila said looking at her sister.
"No, I'll not" she stood in front of her "calm down Matthew. We're going out"

He breathed out and nodded his head leaving out to his car.
"I'm coming with you okey?" Camila shocked her head "you don't need to"

"But I will - you're my sister, let's go"
She kissed her cheek gently taking her hand.

Camila was drowning in tears making the pain go away, but it wasn't helping.
Shawn was emotionally broken as he looked at her.
"She lost her fight for life other day"

"Camila - God" one tear rolled down his right cheek, he could not make her feel happy right now.
That's what killed him the most right now.
He just wanted her to be happy, because she eventually meant everything to him.

"I hope he rots in hell" she cursed "fucking piece of shit" frustrated Camila talked "when I hear his fucking name I get those goosebumps of wanting to kill someone - Matthew" she whispered his name that Shawn didn't hear it clearly.

"What did you say"

"What" she looked him in the eyes "what did you say the name -?" He asked her again "Matthew that's his name why"

His look turned stone cold just as a deep night outside.
"Nothing" he decided to not tell her now, she needs some peace.

Nodding she sat closer as her lips brushed his. He took her lower lip on his and they kissed sensationally. Moving together with passion and sync.
Laying down still kissing they held each other close.

But he moved away thinking too much. Shawn glued small smile and she leaned in his arms falling asleep.

She wasn't quite sure but as she was falling in deep sleep she thought of hearing his voice saying the words.
But maybe she's craving for them too much that she was imagining them.

"I love you" he whispered hoping she heard them.

Hi! I'm alive - and I didn't forget on you ya all.
If anyone is reading this, here's the chapter!

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