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How days were fading away Camila's thoughts were flooding her mind all over again. She didn't look at her phone for 4 days now, yesterday's morning was the court and she was curious how it ended.

She spent her days in this comfortable room where she felt like home always but now something missed. Warmness, she felt cold, another pillow maybe to rest on but that pillow doesn't have a beating heart to calm her.

She walked out her room and went to dining room where her granny placed plates "oh great, dinner is ready" she smiled at her granddaughter.

Camila threw gaze to her phone which was on the table, it was black.
"Yeah I'm not that hungry"

"You can't say no to my food" Camila chuckled and sat down, "I guess no" her abuleta sat down and looked at her.

She knew her so well, since the day she was born, she knew Camila. Durning her school she knew the problems she had, first serious boy problem in age of 13, her grandma helped her, just with wise words not even she needed to explain what's wrong.

"God you know I missed you"

"I missed you too granny" Camila swallowed food and fake smiled.

"Tell me more - we didn't speak that much" Camila had her lips in line as she nodded, she wants to talk to spill at someone all her killing thoughts.

"Okey - I got job it's amazing, I work as assistant for that company's boss" Her grandma smiled widely "I'm so proud!"

"Is your boss nice to you - I know they're all that grows and moody -"

Camila cut her with one breath word


"He's perfect towards me -" Camila put fork in the plate and rested her head in palms.

"Oh hunny - something is bothering you, tell me" Camila locked gazes with her grandmother, she sighed.

"I - well, my boss has been nothing than super good to me, -" she inhaled the air feeling something tickling her throat as she needs to talk about him.

"He's younger -"

She saw the look on Camilas face that there's the flicker, there's something more. Something what filled Camila inside and made her happy but now it made her extremely sad and confused she knew it was him.

"Oh" her grandma said softly.

"He said he loves me" Camila hurtfully said as tear rolled down her cheek.
"And I didn't say it back - I yelled at him"

"Why would you tell at him, because he said he loves you?"

"I don't know - I don't what I feel it scared me so much"

Camila wiped her tear away and looked at her grandmother again, she was calm and collected. Probably she's about to say something Camila hadn't think of.

"You're scared of love? You're scared that one man makes you feel special - sweetheart" she shocked her head and Camila kept to talk about him "granny I can't describe how sweet he is, he's been always there for me and too carry - and I'm stupid"

"You're not stupid" she chuckled "if it's true what you say about him then you don't need to be scared of nothing, but I understand you -" she took her hand in hers "you are so strong my muffin, you are so unique to love and if he really knows the way - what's his name?"

"Shawn" she whispered

"He has a handsome name" Camila chuckled "he is handsome"

"Listen to me now, okey?"


"I know you have been through a lot - but you recovered, you grew up in best woman you needed to be. I know he saw that. Because I believe you showed him your beauty inside. Your soul - but you can't keep your heart in cage just because of what happened" Camila listened carefully, she soaked every word she said it's been always helpful to listen to her grandma.

"But granny, I feel like I don't have my heart now -"

Old wise woman smiled and rubbed with her finger her hand "then hunny why are you lying to yourself that you don't know what you feel?"


"Sweetheart if he has your heart he has all your words you know what you feel you just need to say it"

Camila bit her lower lip "did you heard of him at all?"

"No, - I"

"Call him, tell him what you feel, now"

"I can't say over phone - I need to see him" she stood up and picked her phone "but I'll tell him I'm coming"

"I'm proud of you baby"

"I love you so so much" she kissed her cheek and went upstairs fast.
She heard from down "I need to meet him soon!"

She sat on the bed and bit on her fingers as she unlocked her phone.

17 missed calls from Shawn.

6 voice messages from Shawn.

"I'm so stupid" she whispered and palmed herself as she got into his chat and started to listen the messages.

"Hi please call me"

"It's me again, - I really need you to call me, as soon as possible"

"I need to hear your voice"

She stopped and sighed heavily, just a second so she could collect herself and then she listened the rest.

Her face became pale and she felt terrible as she listened the last message from yesterday's afternoon.
She got all her clothes, got herself ready she said goodbye to her grandma and rushed to town.

A/n: SPRING BREAK! FINALLY! Might update more 🙂❤️

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