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"I think i left my earrings in your bathroom!" Camila said loudly walking to Shawn's bedroom and then she went to bathroom.

She opened the cabinet and found them next to his cologne water, she smiled as she found them. Just as she thought about closing the cabinet her eyes drifted to two dark bottles.

She took them and shocked them, few pills made noise in it, she worried looked herself in the mirror, then she left.

"Shawn?!" She called him "yes?" He said from kitchen. She walked in pale and shaken up, she held two bottles in her hand.

"What are these?" She let her hand fell down as she looked him, he avoided her eyes and walked behind her.

"Don't walk away from me!"

"I'm not - just" he turned around and saw her stressed and all confused about everything.

"Tell me why are you using these" she held up one bottle "I can't sleep" he breathed out "and these?"

"For headache"

She nodded and felt them on the table as she went to sit down on chair "Camila"

"Shawn, they're almost empty" she looked at him scared "how -?" She stopped herself because she was scared of an answer.


"Of each one?"

He ashamed looked down and nodded "why?" Voice came out as a whisper her eyes watered.

"I can't sleep and I'm so tired Camila -"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

He sat next to her and tried to touch her but he was scared he'll hurt her.
"Because you're not here"

"I can't sleep when you're not here, you don't sleep here a lot" he said quietly.

"But Shawn your family is with you" she said and took his hand, he squeezed it softly.

"I don't want them I want you -"

"But I'm just assistant to you Shawn" he sighed "to them you're my assistant but to me you're so much more"

She stood up and he followed her moves "I never use them when you're here"

She rose her hands and he took her small body in his, he heard her sob and it broke him.
Last two weeks he's been all tired and he had bags under his eyes, he didn't speak that much, but he tried to smile as much as he could. Just for her.

"Shawn?" She looked at him, he whipped her tears away looking at her "hum?"

"I think you need help"

"What?" He asked "help like, therapist" he closed his eyes not believing what she's saying "Shawn, I'm serious"

"Why are you doing this to me?" He asked "it's for your own good" she said and he moved away "you're hilarious"

"Shawn" more tears ran down her face "please"

"I - leave me alone" he went into his room "Shawn? If you love me you would do it -" he turned to face her, his face was emotionless.
Then he went in his room as she was crying.


Camila shocked out of her thoughts of the past when life was really difficult.
Doors in front of her closed and she put her sunglasses on her head.

"Hi!" She cheerfully said as Shawn approached her with handsome smile "hey" he said and kissed her immediately, she smiled wider and kissed back.

"Hum that was good" she said looking at him and opening car door for him
"I've something for you" she said and took from seat white box, he opened it "awh muffins!" He screamed "thank you" she kissed his cheek and took plastic bag so he could sit.

"Victoria secret?" He asked as he smirked "uhuh" she smirked back.

"You two are disgusting" Zara from back of the car peeked her head between two seats.

"You're here too"

"I am" she said and sat back.

Camila sat in driver's seat and started the engine "and what's in that bag?" He asked "nothing that you think of" Zara added as Camila nodded.

"It's cosmetic"

"I thought about that!" He said "yeah right" Camila laughed and she felt him take her hand.

"How was with Melanie?" Camila asked rubbing his hand as she drove through the streets.

"We'll talk later" he said and her eyes drifted to him, the look she gave him made him say "nothing to worry about, I promise" then he kissed her hand softly.


Zara behind had a soft smile on her face as she looked. She's so glad things got in place for them.
"Hailee called us for dinner"

"Yes" Camila said "before birth she get us all gather"


After dinner Camila went to her home and Shawn went with her. She threw her shoes off and felt two hands wrap around her.

"You need something?" She sassed and he said "no"

"Good, now move away"


"Move" she tried to push him but he gripped her closer "I'm not letting you"

"I'm glad" she said and turned around "let's talk"

"So" he smiled "it was my last appointment today" she smiled widely "and I've never felt better"

"I mean of course there are sad things but she learnt me to focus on great things in my life, like family, job and my girlfriend -" she hugged him strong he felt his breath kicking out of his lungs "thank you" he whispered.

"I love you" he heard her say, her voice sounded like crying.

"I love you too" he said with smile, he didn't say to her to stop crying, those are tears of loving him.

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