Chapter 2

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It wasn't long after Jean left that she reappeared this time with another woman and a man. The woman had short white hair with a grayish tint going through it. Her skin was a milk chocolate color. Her body was thin but you could tell she worked out a lot. She wore a nice blouse and a pair of tight jeans. The man that came with her wore sunglasses with a red film over it. He was a little taller than the white haired woman and he had some muscle tone. In his arms was a tray with 4 big steaks that hadn't even seen a fire. My mouth watered with anticipation.

"Cheyenne these are 2 of the people who rescued you. Storm and Scott." Jean said introducing them.

"Nice to meet you both. Thanks for helping me and Logan."

"It's not a problem. That's what we do here." Storm said with a friendly smile.

"Jean? Can I speak with you outside?"

"Sure. Storm do you mind keeping Cheyenne company for a few minutes?" Jean asked as she took the hand of Scott. They must be in a relationship.

"No problem." Storm took the tray from Scott before taking a seat on the table and setting the tray of meat down in front of me.

I watched Jean and Scott leave the room before I picked up the first piece of meat. Even though I'm extremely weak, I could still make my fingernails grow into sharp talons. I could feel Storm watching me as I used the sharp claw to cut the raw meat. I looked up at her as I plopped a piece into my mouth.

"So why do you need raw meat?"

"It helps repower my regeneration." I answered simply.

"Like a battery?" I nodded my head and my nails sliced through the raw meat effortlessly.

"That's so cool. What other gifts do you have?"

"I'm a shapeshifter. I mainly change into a wolf but I can also turn into a lioness, tiger, cougar, and a bear. With the transforming I can speak into your mind. I do have some telekinetic power and I can also generate, manipulate, and control fire." I explained.

"Wow you have a ton of gifts."

"Yeah. So what kind of gifts do you have?" I inquired.

"I only have one. I can control the weather. Hense the name Storm."

"So that's not your real name?" I questioned and she shook her head.

"No. My real name is Orroro."

"Pretty name but I like Storm. Suits you better." I said honestly.

"Thank you. So tell me something."

"What do you wanna know?" I asked as I began eating on the second piece of meat.

"How did you meet Logan?"

"He saved me in a bar. I got into some trouble with 3 drunks." I explained vaguely.

"They try to force themselves on you?" I nodded my head as I took a bigger chunk of the meat into my mouth.

"We've travelled everywhere together. Eventually he told me how he felt about me...we've been together ever since." I said.

"How was your home life?"

"If I tell can't tell a soul. Not even Logan knows." I said putting down the piece of meat.

"I promise." I started at the beginning telling Storm about my mother and her death while in the service. Then it led into my father's meet in of the wicked witch and him turning me over to Stryker. I told her everything that happened at that facility I was held at before I escaped.

"That guy sounds like a real asshole but I'm glad you managed to get out of there. How did you you survive by yourself?"

"I stole what I had to. Which was practically everything and I used gas station bathrooms to wash up in." I said scarfing down the last steak. I rubbed my full stomach as I felt my strength come back.

"That had to be hard."

"It was. Sometimes I'd go weeks not being able to find food. I would just have to let my regeneration powers make up the slack of not eating." I said feeling much stronger.

"Since you're done eating, what do you say we go up top and reunite you with Logan?" My answer was my standing to my feet excitedly.

Storm led me out of the medical room and through a series of halls before coming to an elevator. The walls were pretty much a bland metallic coloring with some gray in it. The elevator ride was smooth as we went up. The doors opened as the metal box cane to a stop revealing a beautifully decorated place. The halls were deserted and I could see through a window that it was night. Man I must have been knocked out for quite a while.

As I walked with Storm I took in this place along with the different smells. The place looked like a school where only the smartest people are allowed to attend. There were mini statues of different works of art. The walls were wooden. We passed the most beautiful staircase that split off in 2 directions and at the top hung a large framed picture of the Professor. Storm stopped at a door that didn't really look like a door before pushing it open.

"Logan!" I said smiling as I jumped into his arms.

"Chey...oh I missed you."

"I missed you too. Are you okay?" I asked looking him over.

"I'm fine, Chey."

"It's getting pretty late. Get some rest and I'll give you the grand tour tomorrow." The Professor said. Since Logan knew the way to our room, I followed him from the Professor's office.

As soon as the door shut to our room, Logan crashed his lips into mine. It was a very hungry kiss.

"I thought I'd lost you Chey."

"How long was I knocked out for?" I asked curiously.

"2 days." I watched Logan as he looked me over as I had done when I saw him.

"You look better than when we first got here."

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"You looked so drained. Like you didn't have an ounce of strength left. Your skin was so pale." Logan's hands rubbed up and down my arms.

"I'm fine now Logan. Let's go to bed." I was about to walk over to the bed when Logan handed me my duffle bag.

I smiled as I dug through it looking for something to sleep in. Once I had changed, I crawled into bed next to my love. Logan's arms pulled me closer and held me securely.

"I love you Chey."

"I love you too Logan."


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Word Count: 1,129**

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