Chapter 16

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"What the hell was that back there?" John asked as he leaned up from the backseat.

His name is Stryker."

"Who is he?" Bobby and Rogue questioned in unison.

"Let's just say he's someone you dont wanna meet if you value life." With that being said I continued to drive aimlessly not sure as to where we should go.

"I hate uncomfortable silences."

"What are you doing?" Logan asked before my choice of heavy metal blasted through the speakers which made me turn it off.

"Sit back."

"Where are we going?" Rogue asked.

"Storm and Jean are in Boston. We'll head that way."

"My parents live in Boston." Bobby informed.

"Good." I brought up my GPS and had Bobby type in the address to his parents house.


I kept my foot to the firewall of my car's engine and drove all night. By the time a got to Bobby's parents house, night had become day. I parked my car at the curb and we all piled out. We all followed as Bobby unlocked the front door.

"Mom? Dad? Ronny? Is anybody home?" Bobby yelled out but no one answered, "Come on Rogue. I'll try and find you some clothes. Don't burn anything."

"Mom are we gonna alright?"

"Of course we are. We're safe now." I said as she hugged my waist.

"Chey do you have your cell? It might be a good idea to let Storm and Jean know whats going on."

"I left my cell at the mansion but Storm gave me this. It's supposed to be connected to the jet." I said pulling a locator/high tech com to my boyfriend. Logan pressed the side of it as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hello?" I listened as he kept repeating hello. I guess they aren't in the jet. I sighed to myself as Logan placed the device into his shirt pocket as Rogue and Bobby came back down the stairs.

"Ronny, next time you..." The sound of the man's voice as the front door opened made us all look, "Who the hell are you?" A man, woman, and a teenage boy came through the door into the house with looks of confusion.

"Aren't you supposed to be at school?" His mother, I assume asked her son.

"Bobby, who are these people?"

"This is Professor Logan and Professor Chey." Bobby looked at us as if to say play along before turning back to us, "There's something I need to tell you."

"What is it sweety?" The mother said with concern on her voice.

"Are you in trouble? Is that why your Professors are here?"

"No dad. Please let's sit down." Bobby said as he went over to the couch and sat down. His parents and brother followed suit.

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