Chapter 21

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I only spent a couple of hours after waking up in the medical bay of the mansion before I was allowed to leave and go back to my room to continue to rest up. Logan went to get Jean and emptied a couple of blood bags into a bowl and I drank them. It felt good to drink the liquid substance of life into my body. Every ache, pain, cut, and bruise healed quicker than you could blink. While resting in our bed, Logan stayed right by side. We cuddled in bed and talked d hours about everything was going at the mansion since I was out. There wasn't much going on. A few repairs here and there to fix the damage Stryker inflicted on this school but it was business as usual.

"What about this Mutant Registration shit?" I asked.

"Those prodeceedings have come to an understanding between the humans and mutants."

"What kind of understanding?" I inquired as I looked at Logan with hope that this country's leader didn't do something stupid.

"We will be treated as equals. There are no special rules, regulations, and the only way you will be put on the mutant registry is if you are arrested for a major crime like murder, rape, robbery."

"So we'll be treated like everyone else?" I questioned and Logan nodded his head. I smiled knowing that mutants around the United States would be given a chance to show that not all of us are bad. I gave over at my bedside clock to see it was almost time for Charlie's school day to be over.

"How about we go surprise Charlie when she gets out of school?" I suggested.

"Sounds good." Logan gave me a gentle kiss to my lips before we got out of bed and left the bedroom.

We took the empty halls and went outside where Charlie would coming out along with the other young kids. I waited almost impatiently before the large doors swung open and kids began piling out. I looked through the crow of children before my eyes landed on Charlie. She looked sulken and like she had a flat out bad day. Her head went up before she stopped looking right at me. I smiled and bent down on the balls of my feet.

"Mom!" Charlie yelled as she ran towards me. I put my arms out and she hit me with enough force to knock me off my feet.

I held her close to me as she cried. I could feel her happiness radiating off of her small frame. My arms stayed around my child and stroked her head as I got back to my feet. My family was back together and nothing could tear us apart.


Author's Note

Unfortunately this is the last chapter. I was going to make it longer but couldn't figure out a way to do that.

I hope you all have enjoyed this story. So now I have a serious question.

Which of the following story or stories would you all like to see posted next?

The Feral's Mate: Sabertooth/Victor Creed

Creatures of the Night:

Two Worlds:
Avenged Sevenfold

The Legends Rise:
Pitch Black/Riddick

The Girl with the Skull Tattoos:
WWE Dean Ambrose

Legion of Monsters:
Sabertooth/Victor Creed

This Is My War:
The Walking Dead feat. Negan

NCIS Series

Death is Not the End:
The Lost Boys

The Best Ones Lie:
Ghost Adventures

Please please please let me know what you all want to read next. The story or stories with the most votes will be posted.

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