Chapter 1

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**Be advised that some chapters may not have an actual title but will keep the chapter numbers. Oh and I'm gonna start another story along with this one. Anyways I hope you all enjoy this sequel to A Welcome Burden!**



My ears tuned in the sound of something beeping as I started to regain consciousness. I could feel very little pain but there was also something else there. It was hard and cold. What the hell am I laying on? I slowly opened my eyes but my vision was still blurry. Lights were above me and my heart began to race as I blinked. I brought my hand up to my eyes blocking out the light until my eyes adjusted.

"Ma'am can you hear me?" A woman's voice asked me and I shot up from the table as I felt her touch me. My body collapsed to the floor. I was way too weak to stand.

"Hey it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you." I looked at the woman as she bent down on my level.

My eyes took in her appearance. She was a thin woman dressed in a lab coat. Her hair was a single color of red and tied up into a bun with thin framed glasses covering her hazel eyes. As I looked into her eyes, her calming aura made me grasp her welcoming hand. She helped me to my feet and I looked around the room I was in. Where the hell am I?

"You're in the medical ward of the school. Our people saved you and your friend."

"A school?" I questioned as she sat me down on the metal table.

"Yes Cheyenne. This is my school for gifted youngsters." I looked in the direction of the familiar voice. A bald older man in a motorized wheelchair came into the room.

"You're the man who led Logan to me." I said somewhat shocked.

"That's right. My name is Professor Charles Xavier. This is Dr. Jean Grey. It's finally nice to put a face to the woman I helped."

"Where's Logan?" I inquired.

"It's okay Cheyenne. Logan is upstairs. I took the liberty of giving him a room. When you're feeling better, I'll take you to him."

"Thanks." I said. My eyes scanned the medical room. It looked more like some kind of lab than a place where students could see a nurse.

"If you don't mind I'd like to take some x-rays to make sure you don't have any broken bones." I looked at Jean and nodded. She helped me off the table and over to a large round machine with a hole in the middle of it.

My legs felt like jello as we walked the short distance. I needed blood. I wonder if Logan had told any of them? Jean pushed a few buttons on the contraption before a table slid out of the machine. She instructed me to lay down and be very still. I did and the table shot back into the tube. I watched as a series of lights came on all around me and began flickering on and off slowly.

"Professor...look at this." Jean said as the lights went off and the table began to move again.

"She has the same metal skeleton as Logan but there's another broken outline as well. Cheyenne, are you a shape shifter?" She asked as I sat up from the table and looked at the large screen on the wall. I had never seen my Adamantium skeleton before.

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