Chapter 20

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For days I've sat here in the medical bay of the mansion waiting for Chey to wake up. For days she hasn't even moved a muscle and neither have I. I'm just too afraid to leave her side in fear that she'll wake up and I won't be here. Seeing her laying on this slab makes me think back to the day we had arrived here. She looked about the same as she does now and I thought I was going to lose her forever. Now I'm pretty sure I might. Jean hasn't noticed any improvement of her back wounds and she's still losing blood from them. I don't know what to do. I can't just give up on her. She never gave up on me.

"Logan?" I turned my head to see Jean walk into the medical bay.

"Why don't you take a break. I can watch her."

"No. I don't wanna leave her." I said as I gripped her hand tighter.

"You haven't eaten in days. You need to eat."

"I will when she wakes up." I stated.

"Logan...she's going to be alright. I know things looks lousy right now but she will heal. It just takes time."

"Don't you think I know that?" I snapped. Jean lowered her head and I sighed.

"I know you know but sitting here and not eating is not going to help her. If anything happens I'll come and get you." I looked back at my girlfriend before standing up. Jean was right. I needed to eat and sleep to be strong for her.

"You'll let me know if she's waking up?" I asked and Jean nodded her head. I left the medical bay and made my way to the elevator before stepping on.

I hadn't seen Charlie in days. She needs an update on Chey. Once the door opened up to the main part of the mansion I went looking for Charlie. Since the whole incident here at the mansion, Charles gave the students a few weeks off while things were being repaired. I made my way to the cafeteria first and when I entered I immediately spotted Charlie sitting with Storm. I went over to the line and grabbed some food before sitting down bed to them.

"Logan! How's mom? Is she awake yet?" Charlie questioned me as she wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm sorry Charlie. There's no change yet." The little girl's happy face turned sad as she pressed against me.

"Will she get better?"

"Of course she will but it's gonna take some time." I said trying to comfort the girl.

"I wish she would wake up now."

"Me too too."


Another week has passed since Chey was last awake and well. During this week, Charlie has come down to see Chey but only a few minutes. She sits and talks to her adoptive mother while I eat and get a couple of hours of sleep. Over this last week, there has been some good news. The wounds to her back have finally began to show signs of healing and the blood loss has stopped. It's still a waiting game to see if she wakes up. I know she's going to though. Chey is strong and can fight through anything that life throws at her.

I sat in my usual spot beside her on a chair holding her hand. I squeeze it ever so often to see if she responds but there's been nothing. In some strange part of me, it's saying that she'll never awake up while the other, and more stronger side, says she'll be up and walking around like nothing ever happened very soon. Right now Charlie is down here in the medical bay with me sitting on the other side of the table. I can tell she's getting tired.

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