Chapter 7

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"Cheyenne?" I heard the small whispered voice as I stirred from my sleep.

"Cheyenne wake up." I slowly opened my tired eyes to see Charlie standing over me.

"What is it Charlie?" I asked through a yawn.

"Can I sleep in here with you? I get scared in new places." I looked over at the clock sitting beside the bed seeing it was midnight.

"Of course you can." I said smiling. She climbed over me and laid down behind me.


"Yes. Thank you." She said as she pulled the covers over herself. I waited a few minutes until she fell asleep before closing my eyes.


I woke up early before the sun broke the horizon and got Charlie up for her first day of school. We ate breakfast, after she showered, with Storm and I walked her to her first class.

"I'll be outside when your schooling is done." I said giving the little girl a hug.

"I'll see you later!" She ran into her classroom and instantly found someone to talk to. She shouldn't have any problems with finding friends.

I left the area and went outside to koi pond. I had a clear view of the gate in case anyone came in but I knew that no one was coming. I knew Logan wasn't coming back. I mean it's been a little over a year since he left. I laid in the grass for 5 minutes in my Lioness form before standing to my paws. I walked around the property watching everything around me.

There were some classes outside so I made sure to walk behind them so I wouldn't be a distraction. Of course I did get a few looks from the students and teachers. It doesn't bother me as much as it would have. After walking the grounds I went back to my spot at the koi pond to await Charlie at the end of the day.


Before the school day ended, I changed back to my human form. I didn't want to frighten Charlie with one of my other forms. I didn't know whether or not she knew of my abilities or not.

"Cheyenne!" My head snapped over towards the doors of the mansion as they swung open. I smiled seeing Charlie running over to me.

"How was your first day?"

"It was great! I made a new friend and I drew this for you." She said smiling as she handed me the piece of paper. I looked at it and smiled at the little artist.

"That's awesome! You're such a good drawer."

"Thanks. So what are we gonna do today?" She asked.

"I was thinking that we should get to know each other better. I mean like what are your gifts?"

"My gifts?" She inquired.

"Yeah. Most people call them abilities. I call them gifts." Telling her this reminded me of the old woman I had helped in the Wal-Mart many months ago.

"Oh." Charlie looked down at the ground.

"Don't worry Charlie. Your gifts will never frighten me." I said truthfully.

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