Chapter 14*

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**One Month Later**

In the days that progressed into weeks, our bond was strengthened. That bond we share has grown over to Charlie as well. It's like we are a family. Something that I've longed for...that I wished for. Logan plays the role of the father quite well for a man who has no children.

I can't help but watch them on a daily basis. It always tugs at my heart to see them both laughing and playing in the yard of the mansion as if they hadn't a care in the world. I love that little girl just as much as I do Logan. For a long time I never thought that was possible.

Today starts the weekend which means no classes for Charlie so Logan and I are taking Charlie on a little trip for the weekend to Coney Island. She's been working hard with her studies so I consider this a bit of a reward for her. As Logan was packing his bags, I am next door with Charlie helping her get her things together when a knock came to the door.

"Come in." I said as I folded some clothing Charlie had just brought to me. The bedroom door opened and the Professor wheeled in.

"Good morning Cheyenne, Charlie. Looks like you're getting an early start."

"Yes sir. I'd like for Charlie to see as much as she can before we come back tomorrow night." I explained as I put the nearly folded clothing into Charlie's back pack.

"I hope you all have a wonderful time." With that the Professor left the room as I finished packing Charlie's overnight bag.


"Wow! Look at this place!" Charlie said with excitement as we entered into Coney Island.

"Ready to ride some of the rides?"

"Yes! Let's ride that one first!" Charlie said as she pointed to a ride that was spinning around. From what sign I could see, the ride was called Tea Party.

Logan, Charlie, and I waited in the line until it was our turn. We got onto the ride placing Charlie in the middle. A ride attendant came over and secured the door of the ride.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, please keep your hands, arms, and legs inside the ride at all times. If you want to spin fast you gotta turn that wheel in front of you. Here we go!" A ride operator spoke over a microphone. Soon the ride began to move and we all turned the wheel in front of us making us spin fast. I looked over at Charlie as her face was lit up with joy. I couldn't help but smile.


We spent the entire day at the amusement park before leaving to go and get food. The restaurant we went to served a lot of different food and it was pretty good. Now we've gotten to our hotel. Logan carried a worn out Charlie to our room and placed her down on the bed covering her up.

"I think Charlie had a great time today."

"I know she did." I said looking at Logan through the mirror outside the bathroom as I washed my face.

I leaned down to wash the soap from my face when I felt Logan's hand rest on my ass. I smirked as I splashed the warm water on my skin washing away the soap. Logan handed me a towel and I dried my face as Logan's arms wrapped around me from behind.

"Wanna take a shower with me?" Logan whispered into my ear.

"I don't think we should. I mean Charlie is asleep right there."

"She's a heavy sleeper. She won't wake up baby." He said before planting his lips to the side of my neck. I leaned back against Logan closing my eyes as he kissed and licked my neck.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around Logan before connecting my lips to his. Our tongues danced together as we kissed. Logan took my hand and led me into the bathroom and locked the door. I got the water going before we stripped our clothes off slowly while kissing again. This time I took Logan's hand and led him into the shower with me.

Logan took the body wash provided by the hotel and lathered it into a wash cloth before washing my body. He made to sure to tease me as he washed me. When he was done washing me, I did the same to him but I didn't stop my teasing. I wrapped my hand around his thick member and pumped him slowly making him moan and lean his head against mine.

"Mmm...bend over baby." Logan ordered. I did as I was told while supporting myself with my hand on the wall of the shower. I moaned quietly as I felt the head of his member against my entrance. Slowly Logan pushed inside of me filling up my awaiting pussy.

Logan pumped me hard and fast while he grabbed a fistfull of my hair intensifying my pleasure and his. As he kept fucking me, I felt the strong sensation go through my stomach as I got close to my climax.

"Oh God Logan...I'm gonna cum." I said as I closed my eyes.

"Me too baby. Cum with me." A few more pumps of his hard cock and I moaned out in ecstasy. I felt Logan burst his load deep inside of me. We both breathed heavily as he pulled out and held me against him. It might just be me but every time we have sex, it gets better and better.


**This was just a filler chapter but any thoughts on this chapter? I'd love to hear from you!

Word Count: 994**

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