Chapter 17

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"His name is Colonel William Stryker. He invaded your mansion for one purpose.
He wanted Cerebro.
Or enough of it to build one of his own." This man called Magneto said as we stood around a campfire. The day had turned into night by the time we reached the camp.

"That doesn't make sense. Stryker would need the professor to operate it."

"Which I think is the only reason my old friend's still alive." He said nonchalantly.

"My God."

"What are you all so afraid of?"

"While Cerebro is working,
Charles's mind is connected to every person on the planet. If he were forced to concentrate hard enough
on a particular group.. mutants, for example,
he could kill us all." Magneto stated as he stood beside a blue woman.

"Wait. How would Stryker even know where to find Cerebro in the first place?"

"Because I told him.
I helped Charles build it, remember? Mr. Stryker has powerful methods of persuasion even against a mutant as strong as Charles." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"So who is this Stryker anyway?"

"He's a military scientist.
He spent his whole life
trying to solve the mutant problem. If you want a more intimate  perspective...why don't you ask her and Wolverine?" Magneto pointed at us which made the group turn their attention, "You don't remember, do you?"

"I do. He's a bastard and I should have ended him a long time ago." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Ah indeed he is. Maybe of you had Cheyenne he wouldn't be doing this today."

"Don't lay this all her." Storm said defending me as Logan wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Anyways William Stryker is the only other man I know
who can manipulate adamantium. The metal on your carries his signature."

"But the professor..." Logan started only to be cut off by the metal manipulating man.

"He trusted you to discover this on your own. He gives you more credit than I do."

"Why do you need us?" Jean questioned as she got us back on track.

"Mystique has discovered plans of a base that Stryker's been operating out of for decades. We know it's where he's building the second Cerebro but we don't know where the base is. And I believe one of you might." I noticed as Magneto talked his eye never left me.

"The professor already tried." Logan spoke which earned him a sigh from Magneto.

"Once again, you think it's all about you." I watched as Magneto walked around the campfire and over to me, "So tell us Cheyenne. Where were you taken that night?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know? The last thing I remember was just being there." I said.

"But you escaped. Just like Logan had done. Maybe Jean can help you remember something about that day."

"No need. I remember the day I left. What I don't know is where I was was." I stated truthfully.

"That's where she comes in." Magneto looked over at Jean and beckoned her over.

"Just stay still." I watched Jean as she lifted her hands up and placed them in both sides of my head before closing her eyes.

I know Jean has some telepathy but no where near the scale as the Professor's. As she read into my thoughts I began to feel funny. It felt like she was probing into my mind like a file cabinet. I stayed as still as I could before she gasped and opened her eyes. Jean looked frightened and shocked as she lowered her hands.

"Stryker's at Alkali Lake." Jean informed us.

"That's where the professor sent me. There's nothing left."

"Nothing left on the surface. The base is underground." She said while the shock from seeing my previous life faded and turned to sympathy.

"There is always something more than meets the eye."


After leaving the group, I went to a tent that Magneto had provided for each of us and laid down. While Charlie slept beside me, I just stared up at nothing as I began thinking. It's been a long time since I had seen Stryker. That night at the mansion scared me. I don't even know if I'm ready to face him again.

"Chey? Are you alright?" I looked over at Logan as he came into the tent and sat down next to me. I sat up and let out a low sigh.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said looking down.

"You know you can't lie to me."

"Logan...I'm scared." I said truthfully.


"It's been so long since I came face to face with...him. I don't think I can." I said as I brought my knees to my chest. Logan pulled me close to him letting me snuggle into his chest.

"You don't have to go with us. You can stay here with Charlie, Bobby, and Rogue."

"I know babe...but I know deep down that I need to face him." I said looking up at Logan.

"If you do decide to go with us. I'll protect you. Stryker will not be getting his hands on you again." Logan bent his head down and placed and tender kiss to my lips before squeezing me tighter in his arms. I pulled away and stood to my feet.

"Where are you going?"

"To take a run. Maybe get my head on straight." I said and he nodded. I left the tent without another word and walked towards where the Jean was working on the jet.

As I passed by her, she gave me a friendly smile despite what she had seen in my mind earlier tonight. I gave her back a small wave and continued on my way. When I got to the treeline, I let my tiger come forth and take over. I ran and ran and ran through the woods jumping over down trees and weaving through them. The faster and harder I ran the more my answer came to what I have to do. Logan and the others might not like it but it's something I have to do and there's no talking me out of it.


Author's Note

Alright readers, let me know in that comment section what you think Cheyenne is talking about.

What's this thing she's gotta do that Logan and the others aren't gonna like?

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