Chapter 4: You're Leaving?

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It's hard to believe that we've been here at this beautiful mansion for a month. I really didn't think Logan would want to stay here for that long but I can understand with the Professor helping him regain his memories. Speaking of which, in just this month Logan had remembered so much of the life he's lived. Some of it has been better than others but the for the most part I can tell he's not confused about who he is.

He has learned, in more ways than one, that we are basically the same. During the time period he was a child, his mother and stepfather were afraid of him after he had accidently killed his real father with his once bone claws. He also found out that he has a half brother but he doesn't know his name yet. I'm sure with a little more work the Professor will be able to find a correct name.

On a much lighter note, Storm and I have become best friends. I talk to her about a lot of stuff. Mostly about my life before I met Logan. I was able to tell her some information about the facility where I was kept at and what went on in that place but I made her promise not to tell anyone besides the Professor. I had to be very clear that he was not to let on about who gave him this information. He respected that.

Right now Storm and I are sitting outside watching the kids hang around the different recreational areas having a great time while I showed off my many drawings. If there's one thing that Storm wanted to see, that would be it. I told her that I could draw and she immediately wanted to look at my many works.

"Hey Cheyenne can I talk to you for a minute?" I turned around and looked at Logan.


"I'll see you later Cheyenne." Storm said as I walked away with Logan. He led me into the building and sat me down on a bench that had a single duffle bag on it.

"What is it Logan?"

"The Professor found the information I needed about the place that gave me this. I need to go find my answers." He said and I looked to the duffle bag to him.

"We're going on a road trip?"

"No. I want you to stay here where it's safe." He said.

"Logan please don't go."

"I have to Chey. I have so many unanswered questions about my life. I have to know the truth." Logan said as I walked with him to the door.

"Let me go with you then."

"Cheyenne you'd be safer here. After what would be best if you stayed." He said as I blocked his path.

"I don't want to stay here. Please...please don't go." I felt tears brimming the rims of my eyes as I looked at him. Logan placed his arms around me before kissing my lips gently.

"Here." I watched Logan as he pulled the dogtags from around his neck and placed them in my hand, "I'll be back for those, Chey. Don't you worry about that. I love you so much sweetheart."

"I love you too Logan." I said letting my tears fall. Logan's arms pulled away and he walked out the big double doors.

As I heard a vehicle start up, I rushed out of the mansion. A truck a few yards away from me began to move down the paved driveway. Tears spilled over my eyes as Logan looked back at me before taking off down the road. I ran to the gate as it closed watching the truck disappear. My knees gave out as I clutched the bars and my tears flowed steadily. I didn't even move as I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay Cheyenne. He'll be back in no time at all." I looked up at my new found friend with tears still seeping from my eyes.

I turned my head back watching the empty road hoping that Logan would change his mind and come back for me. Storm stayed with me as night fell but Logan never returned.


**Yeah I know this chapter is extremely short. I did try to extend it a little more but I figures it would be best to make it short but don't fret. There will be a second update coming your way right after this!

Word Count: 751**

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