Chapter 19

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When we got inside of the building memories came flooding back to me. I didn't know what to think about a of this. As the group went off to find the children that were taken from the mansion, I went looking for Chey and Stryker. I sniffed the air as I went down each corridor before catching Chey's scent. I followed it until it led me into a room that I had seen in my dreams. Everything as the same as I looked around that's when my eyes laid upon Chey. She was face down on the floor with a pool of blood surrounding her.

"Chey!" I yelled as I ran over to her. Carefully I flipped her over making sure not to hurt her injured back.

"Chey wake up. Cheyenne please wake up." I begged as I felt tears coming to my eyes. Slowly her eyes opened but then shut again.

"You hang in there Chey. We're getting out of here." I picked her up as I stood to my feet and carried her back down the corridors until I met up with the others.

"Oh my God Cheyenne! Logan we have to get out of here.  We have to go through the spillway."

"You don't wanna go that way. Trust me but there's another way out of here." I said. Storm nodded her head and I lead the group out of the building.

We quickly made our way through the snow but on our way to the jet I saw Stryker. He was chained to the wheel of a helicopter and looking a little worse for wear but I could care less about how he's doing. As the others walked passed him, I stopped and stared at the man who did this to me and my girl.

"Who has the answers, Wolverine? Those people?
That creature in your arms?"

"I'll take my chances with them. It's better than what I would get with you." I said truthfully. I don't give a damn about finding answers anymore. All that matters to me in this world is being with the girl who's dying in my arms and that little girl she brought up as her own. With one hand I ripped off the dog tags and threw them down at this feet before walking away.

"One day someone will finish
what I've started, Wolverine.
One day!"

"Fat chance asshole." I yelled as I got on the jet. With the help of Jean, we hooked Chey up to built in heart monitors of the jet and she put IVs into her arm giving her blood.

As the jet ascended into the sky the damn below broke. The concrete structure crumbling under the weight of thousands of tons of water.

"Will she live Jean?" The professor asked as he wheeled over to the table Chey was attached to.

"She'll be alright enough until we get to the mansion."

"Good. First we need to get to Washington. I fear this has gone beyond Alkali Lake." The Professor explained.

"We should get Chey back to the mansion first."

"It's okay Logan. She'll be fine with what we have here. The Professor is right. We need to get there quickly."


We arrived in Washington D.C. in just a few short hours and as we got to the White House, Charles made time stand still. I left the plane with him, Jean, Storm, and Scott and we went into the presidential house where the President was about to give a speech to the nation. We stood outside the door of the oval office as Storm brewed up a storm knocking out power and we went inside.

"Good morning, Mr President.
Please, don't be alarmed.
We're not going to harm anyone." Charles said startling the President as he stood up and looked around at the people who were frozen still.

"Who are you people?"

"We're mutants. My name is Charles Xavier. Please sit down." He said pointing to the chair.

"I'd rather stand."

"Jean." Jean took a file folder the professor had and handed it to the leader of our country, "These files were taken from
the private offices of William Stryker." Charles stated.

"How did you get this?"

"Let's just say I know a little girl who can walk through walls." He explained.

"I've never seen this."

"I know." He said nodding his head.

"So you also know I don't respond to threats."

"This is not a threat. This is an opportunity. There are forces in this world, mutant and human alike, who believe a war is coming. You will see from those files that some have already tried to start one and there have been casualties..losses on both sides." Charles paused for a moment as he wheeled closer to the President's desk, "Mr President. What you are about to tell the world is true. This is a moment. A moment to repeat the mistakes of the past or to work together for a better future. We're here to stay, Mr President. The next move is yours. We'll be watching." With that Charlie's made the time stop for the President as we made our way out of the building and back onto the jet.

While we flew away, the time went back to normal and we continued our way home.


Author's Note

Yes I know this is short but I didn't think it would be better if it was longer. Sadly there are only 2 more chapters.



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