Chapter 13

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Logan and I sat around outside as we enjoyed the warm weather while watching Charlie play with the other children her age. It felt like old times. Times where we traveled together from state to state. The places we had seen. As I think back on it now...those days were the happiest I've ever been. I mean besides coming here and being a mentor to Charlie. I looked down at my phone checking the time. Well time to head to work.

"Time for me to head to work." I said as I stood to my feet.

"Mind if I tag along?"

"Of course not. I'll be right back." I said before giving Logan a peck on the cheek. I walked away towards Charlie where she was playing with a girl and a boy. As I approached she took her attention off of the 2 friends.

"Going to work?"

"Yes. You be good and make sure to be in bed by 9." I said as I hugged her.

"Don't worry mom." I have Charlie a quick kiss to her forehead before rejoining Logan. He took my hand and we went to the garage.

"You have a car now?"

"Yeah. After I got my license, Storm and the Professor got together and bought me this beauty." I explained as I rested my hand on my black Chevelle. I watched Logan as he looked over my car as he walked around it before coming to stand in front of me.

"Beautiful car for a gorgeous woman." I smiled as a deep blush formed on my cheeks. I felt Logan fingers underneath my chin as he lifted my head back up.

We looked at each other in the eyes as he came close and connected his lips to mine. Instinctively my arms went around Logan's neck as our tongues faught for dominance. Logan pushed me backwards not breaking the kiss and I laid back on the hood of my car. My legs went up and around his waist keeping him in place as we kissed. I broke the kiss when I realized that this was not the right time or place.

"You're gonna be late for work."

"Yeah..." I said as he let me up.

"We'll finish this later." I smiled as I dug through my pockets and got my keys. When Logan got into the passenger seat, I cranked up the engine and put the muscle car in gear. I squealed the tired on the smooth concrete of the garage as I pulled out and went through the opened gate.


I got to the bar with a few minutes to spare and parked the car. We went inside and Logan got a table up front to watch tonight's performance while I joined the band.

"Who's the guy you came in with?"

"That's Logan." I said as I looked over my list of songs for tonight.

"Oh your mystery man!" I rolled my eyes and shook my head at Matt's comment.

"Anyways here's the set for tonight." I said as I handed the band members the list of songs.

"Sounds pretty good. We all ready?" I nodded my head and stepped up to the microphone.

"Ladies and Gentlemen welcome back! Let's get this started." I spoke into the microphone. As the band began to play this first song I stood back from the microphone and looked right at Logan. He had a smile on his face as I stepped back to the microphone.

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