Chapter 1

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Blaine was standing in front of the Hummel door, trying to gather the little bit of strength he had left in his body. He finally rang the doorbell and a couple of moments later Kurt opened the door.

Of course Kurt had to be breathtakingly beautiful. Of course he had to have the biggest smile on his face, one that Blaine hadn't really seen since their break-up in October. He hated himself already for what he was about to do.

Blaine let himself be hugged, making sure to put a little space between their bodies and didn't answer when Kurt asked him to come in.

"Kurt, I... I can't do this anymore." Blaine said in a rush, his head bowing down. He couldn't look into Kurt's eyes, not this time around. He was just too tired not to be a coward.

"What do you mean? Blaine?" Blaine couldn't see Kurt frowning and putting up all the walls he had build to protect himself over the years of bullying and being hurt, but Blaine didn't have to look at Kurt to see him. He knew exactly what expression Kurt had on his face, or how his arms were crossed over his body, not to show that he wasn't willing to talk but because he needed to touch himself to get a little bit of reassurance. Blaine knew all that, he didn't need to look up to see this. He had done it once, he couldn't do that twice.

"I know we're not together together, but I just can't do this anymore. I can't sleep with you again, I can't be around you anymore. I'm leaving, Kurt."

"Blaine, what are you talking about?" Blaine heard clearly the hitch in Kurt's voice, the way it broke a little at the end of his name, or the way it grew cold at the end of the sentence. Blaine took a deep breath and looked up, finally, not meeting Kurt's eyes and looking a little bit over the man's shoulder.

"I just, I'm really sorry. I'm really really sorry, Kurt. I hope one day you'll forgive me. Please be happy, okay?"

Blaine didn't wait for an answer and rushed out of the garden and down the street. He thought heard Kurt shout his name once or twice. He wasn't sure.

He ran as far as he could, trying to hold back his tears as much as he could. With rage, he brushed his eyes with his sleeve and climbed into a navy blue car that was waiting for him.

"Blaine?" The man in the driver seat didn't get an answer, Blaine buckled the seat belt and looked right in front of him, stoic in his seat.

"Just drive Coop."

"Squirt, you didn't have to do that, you could just explain this to him and-"

"Cooper, he deserves better, he deserves a future and he deserves to be happy. Now drive, I just, I just can't stay here."

"Blaine, you'll have to tell him you know." Blaine snapped his head at his brother and glared at him, his lips drawn in a tight line.

"Cooper, just drive the damn car."

"Fine. You sure you've got everything?"

Blaine turned around to see his luggage and his guitar in the backseat, the boy sighed and nodded silently.

Cooper started the car and drove away from Kurt's neighborhood. They didn't really talk to each other for most of the drive, Cooper giving his little brother as much space as he could when two people were in a car.

With every mile that put them away from Ohio Blaine felt the guilt settle heavier and heavier in his stomach. He felt the weight of his actions on his shoulders. He had just ruined everything once again and this time he knew that there was no going back, he couldn't and wouldn't.

Hours later Blaine finally saw the welcoming sign to California.

Six years later

Kurt was exhausted to say at the least. He loved his work, really he did. But what he didn't like so much was the constant travel. It wasn't as glamorous as people made it out to be. Yes, he had traveled around the world but he wouldn't be able to tell you anything about the countries he had been in to save his life. What he could tell you about though, was airports. He knew all about them since it was all he saw whenever he travelled for work. That and the hotels.

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