Chapter 13

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"Daddy!" Kurt woke up with a start at the yell. The man rushed out of his room and ran to Jules' where he could hear the little boy's muffled screams. His heart was beating hard against his ribcage and the panic had settled rapidly in his stomach; he entered the room quickly and found Blaine already next to the bed, trying to calm down the little boy.

Jules was writhing on his bed, looking still asleep, his little feet kicking and his face covered in tears. Kurt stood there in shock. It broke his heart and put him in a state of utter distress to see Jules being so affected. The little boy was hard to wake up and he was still yelling and kicking, Kurt felt helpless and he didn't like it. He was supposed to be able to help Jules with whatever was going on, and right now, in this situation he had no idea what to do.

"Blaine?" Kurt finally whispered, making his presence known. Blaine turned around and Kurt saw the sadness on Blaine's face.

"It's a night terror, it's happened in the past." Blaine tried again to wake his son up but instead the little boy just cried some more, his face blotchy with red spots because of how much he was fighting and screaming.

"What can I do?"

"Nothing, it should stop in a couple of minutes." And indeed Jules stopped few minutes later, his little body still shivering as he woke up to see the two men in his room. Jules put his little hand over his heart which must have been beating erratically.

"Daddy, what happened?" Jules asked, instantly scared as he felt the tears on his face and not understanding why everyone was in his room.

"Shh. it's okay, Monkey." Blaine tried to reassure his son, engulfing him in a hug. "You scared us, you had another night terror."

"I don't remember." Jules let himself be hugged tightly. Kurt was still standing in the room, trying to calm his own heart and breathing, trying to understand that it was fine; everyone was fine. He didn't register moving but soon enough Kurt was rubbing his hands on Blaine and Jules' backs in circles. Blaine smiled sadly at Kurt who must have looked terrified. Jules rubbed his eyes and kissed Blaine then Kurt on the cheek.

"I'm sorry I scared you. I didn't mean to." The child said with shame.

"Hey, none of that. We know you didn't mean to, it's not your fault, alright?" Blaine tried to reassure him but it only resulted in fresh tears rolling down Jules' cheeks.

"Do you want to sleep with Daddy tonight?" Blaine offered and Jules instantly nodded at the proposition, rubbing his eyes again, his little bottom lip shivering as he tried not to let the tears roll down his cheeks. Blaine turned his gaze to Kurt and took the man's hand to get his attention.

"Kurt, do you want to join us as well?" Kurt was still terrified and shaken up by what had just happened and there was no way he was letting Jules out of his sight for the rest of the night, or the rest of his life for that matter.

"Yeah, okay. Come on buddy." Kurt stretched his arms open, he didn't have to wait long and Jules jumped in between them, jamming his little feet under his butt and on Kurt's arm as the man hauled him up. Kurt placed a kiss against Jules's temple as he tightly hugged the little boy.

Blaine smiled at him and Kurt took his hand and led them both to his room, they all crawled under the big blanket, Jules settling in the middle and his fathers forming a cocoon around him. The two men both lay on their sides, placing a protective arm around the boy and touching the other's arm with their hand.

Jules had been fast asleep, feeling sheltered in between the two bodies. Kurt and Blaine looked into each other eyes for a while, listening to the little noises Jules was making in his sleep. They stared at each other in silence, yearning for comfort after such an episode. Blaine smiled gently all along and after a while of just feeling the warmth and comfort from the two other people in his bed, Kurt finally found peace.

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