Chapter 7

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On Monday morning Kurt walked to Blaine's department, a cup of coffee in his hand. When he arrived Blaine was already here, working on some photoshoot they had done the week before.

"Hello, Blaine." The curly haired man looked up from his screen and a big smile appeared on his face when he saw who was talking to him.

"Kurt, hi. How are you today?"

"Good, thanks. Do you have time at lunch, so we can have that talk?" Blaine gulped audibly and nodded.

"Yeah, I'll make time, sure. Do you want me to make reservation somewhere?"

"No it's okay I'll do it.12:30 good for you?"

"Yeah, sure. "

"Okay, see you later then."

Kurt turned around and walked to his office. He closed the door and shook his hands, trying to control how shaky they were because of his nervousness. He'd had a night to think about Jules, Blaine, their situation. But he needed to know why Blaine had done this, why he came out with the secret now and not before or later. Kurt had a lot of questions and he was hoping to get some answers. He knew that no matter if he got them or not it still wouldn't help him to know exactly how he was feeling about this, but at least it would be a good place to start.

Kurt buried himself in his work, calling people, negotiating contracts and sorting out problems they were having with the issue of the magazine. A shy knock on the door made him jump in his chair.

"Come in!" Kurt shouted, still finishing reading through the last page of a contract.

"Uh, Kurt? I'm ready when you are." Blaine stood there, fidgeting a little, a hand still on the doorknob.

"It's 12:30 already. Shit, sorry. I didn't see the morning passed. Give me a second."

Kurt cleaned quickly his desk, took his keys and led them out of the set. They walked in an awkward silence to the restaurant where Kurt had put the reservation. They sat down, both still silent, and without glancing at each other they reached out for their menus.

When both had chosen what they wanted and couldn't hide behind the menu anymore, Kurt cleared his throat, making Blaine jump a little.

"So, um. I didn't have time to ask and we didn't talk about it after but, uh, what do you think about Jules?" Blaine started, finally breaking the heavy silence.

"He seemed to know a lot about me." Kurt answered harshly without meaning to. Blaine nodded and looked down at his lap.

"Ah yes, well. He asked a lot about you and I answered him. I hope it's alright."

"Not really no." Kurt said glaring at Blaine. "I was being serious when I asked for that paternity test, Blaine. I want one. I looked a little into it and it can be done in three or five working days. I'd rather we'd have it done by a medical laboratory rather than at home with those wannabe biologist set."

"May I ask why?" What they had ordered just arrived and Kurt occupied himself a little with his fork, not answering right away. Blaine waited, not saying anything and giving Kurt the time he needed to answer.

"I want to be sure what I'm throwing myself into. I want to be able to look into his eyes and know that I can be honest with him when he calls me Kurt or Papa. I don't want to lie to him and I want to be certain what I am."

Blaine nodded again, biting his lip nervously.

"Okay, we'll do that then." Blaine played with his food, without taking a bite of it. He looked up and locked eyes with the businessman who shared his meal "I can see that you have a lot of questions, Kurt. Go ahead, this is the meaning of the lunch, to answer some of them. Ask away."

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