Chapter 8

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It was the last day of shooting; after this, everyone would move on to new project. Kurt and his staff would still have to work on the first draft of the issue for a few weeks but still, this was the last day of shooting. Usually people would try to shoot the last pictures that they hadn't had time to, after running an often too short schedule.

Kurt had few pictures left he wanted to shoot before wrapping things up. He worked with the models and photographers all morning. He knew he had to see Blaine at some point, he knew he had to say something to him before they would part ways but he still couldn't bring himself to walk to the post-production department.

Kurt was arranging few details on the male model who was next, making sure that everything fell perfectly.

"So, you do know the short one in the post- prod department?" the model asked Kurt, who was kneeling in front of him, arranging the hem of the pant.

"Who? Blaine? Dark hair, brown eyes?" the model smirked and Kurt knew they were talking about the same person. "Yes, I do know him. Why do you ask?"

"Are you two an item?" the model continued, ignoring Kurt's questionsaltogether. Kurt's looked up and stood carefully brushing his pants for removed any dirt that might be on it.

"No we're not. Why are you asking this?"

"I thought that maybe you two had a thing going on. Now that I know it's not the case I can totally ask that hottie out." The model looked past Kurt's shoulder, a saucy smirk on his face. Kurt turned his head around to see what the man was looking at. It didn't take long for him to see Blaine, standing near them and talking with one of the girls from the hair department. He was talking vividly, his hands moving as fast as they could, giving life to whatever the man was saying. He looked happy and bubbly and Kurt's heart clenched a little knowing that the man hadn't been like that around him in the two weeks they had been working together.

"Well you could ask him out, but he is straight and he has a little boy. He loves staying home with him and reading his stories." Kurt heard himself say, "also his ex is a very sweet woman." Kurt accentuated again, still not knowing why he was saying this to the model.

"Really?" the model frowned in confusion. "He told me he was gay."

"Well, he lied. Now get to work!" Kurt ordered to the man who walked away to the scene. Kurt stayed there, wondering what had just happened. He had just shot down a chance for Blaine to have a date or a one night stand. Kurt had no idea why he did what he just did. The man shrugged to himself and pushed any thoughts aside, not wanting to deal with this for a moment.

Kurt walked over to Blaine who stopped talking when he saw him and smiled politely before waving goodbye at the girl. They stood there together, in front of each other not saying a wordfor few seconds. Blaine smiled awkwardly after a moment.

"So, hum, hello Kurt. What can I do for you?"

"Can I see you in my office?" Blaine's mouth twitched a little. "No, it's not work related it's about Jules." This time the shorter man's eyes grew big and he nodded before following Kurt. They walked together to the man's office and closed the door behind them.

Kurt wrung his hands as they both stood awkwardly in the room, not sitting but not knowing if they should or not.

"I received the test yesterday." Kurt started, finally breaking the heavy silence.

"Oh, I see. What did it say?"

"That I'm a father." Kurt stated, his voice breaking a little at the last word. Blaine sighed and walked closer to the other man.

"Look, Kurt. I get it." Blaine said defeated." It's too much for you and you're not sure you can do it. You like Jules but you missed too much to really want to know him. I get it. I'll just... I'll explain it to Jules, don't worry. " Blaine finished. Kurt saw how the man's eyes were filling with tears and Kurt knew that those tears weren't for him but for the little boy at home that was waiting for his Dad to come back to him. Kurt's chest constricted painfully at the thought.

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