Chapter 4

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Blaine showed up late the next day. Kurt knew because he made sure to pass by the post prod section several times, asking for him and for the sketches he needed. When Blaine finally arrived Kurt didn't let him even say hello to his coworkers and marched right to him.

"Blaine. I need the pictures your team worked on right now, do not make me come over again." the man said with as much as arrogance as he could muster. "Also, you're late. Again." And with that Kurt went back to his office, not necessarily proud of himself. This was petty and he knew it. He usually wasn't like that, he tried to at least be polite even with the people he couldn't stand. But Blaine just made his skin itch for some reason and all Kurt could think about was how infuriating the man was.

After a few minutes he received by email what he had asked for, he opened the attached files and studied the pictures. Some of them were perfect. Kurt had asked that no modifications were made on the model but only to the light and the background. He wanted for once for the models on the photo shoot to be shown how they really were.

Some pictures, though, weren't to Kurt's liking and the man decided to go and tell Blaine just that.

"Blaine. I need to talk to you about the pictures you sent me." Kurt said the moment he was within Blaine's earshot. The man turned around from where he was standing, already talking with one member of his staff and looked over to Kurt. "This is not what we talked about. The pictures are perfect but the modifications you made just don't work." Kurt brought his tablet and flipped it so he could see the pictures. "Here, you can see that the light has been added after. On this one, modifications have been made on the model. You lost the beauty and the equilibrium of this picture when you changed the angle on this one." Kurt turned off his device and glared at Blaine.

"I waited three days for this? Seriously?" Blaine's fist tightened and he took a deep breath.

"Kurt," the man started as calmly as he could manage, "maybe we could sit down and talk about each picture and you can give me the feedback you apparently have and we'll work on it."

"It's Mr Hummel. I think I just did." Kurt couldn't believe what he was saying. He was usually bitchy but he was never plain mean. Calling someone out like that in front of everyone just wasn't something he did. But Blaine's behavior just made him so mad that it didn't really matter to him anyway. He couldn't stand the guy.

"Okay you know what? That's it! I've had enough." Blaine started, marching right to Kurt. "What is your problem?" Blaine's nostrils were flared in rage and Kurt could see the anger in his eyes. Kurt grabbed his shirt and manhandled him to office.

"Anderson, my office." They crossed the whole set, receiving curious and worried glances. Kurt could feel the eyes on him but he really didn't care. He also felt the waves of anger coming from Blaine and the moment he closed the door, the smaller man didn't wait to say something.

"I get it, Mr Hummel" Blaine spat in anger. Kurt could see the veins of Blaine's neck pumping, he knew that this only happened when the man was beyond pissed. "You're my client and I'm supposed to provide a certain quality of work for you. So in a way you are my boss. I get it, trust me." The man was talking, his hands flying in the air and his face red with rage. "But since when do you belittle people and their job in front of everyone? Since when does Kurt Hummel humiliate people? What is wrong with you? Huh?"

"What's wrong with me? Are you joking right now? Tell me exactly what you'd know about me. You don't know me, you don't know who I am and just because we had a fling doesn't mean you know me at all." Kurt argued back. "What's wrong with me is the poor quality of the job you and your team did, my problem is you coming late to work. You are my problem!"

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