Chapter 2

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Kurt spent his day hoping and dreading to see Blaine again. He awkwardly walked around set, keeping his phone in his hand to have something to occupy him, just in case.

It didn't really serve him well though. The man bumped into Blaine a few hours after when he was going out of the bathroom and Kurt was going in.

"Kurt? Uh, hi." Kurt noticed the small wrinkles that appeared by Blaine's eyes and the little smile that matched them the moment he saw who was in front of him. He nodded politely and gave an awkward pat to Blaine's shoulder.

"Hello, Blaine." Kurt rushed into the bathroom and didn't move for several minutes. His legs didn't respond to him anymore, they were like jelly and a cold shiver coursed through his body.

A pat on the shoulder, seriously? I'm so fucking stupid. Kurt thought, running a hand over his face. He took a deep breath and pushed himself away from the door. He splashed some water on his hand and face and looked at his reflection in the mirror.

I got it. I'm Kurt Hummel for God sake, I so got it. Kurt glared at himself before sighing I so do not got it.

He then saw Blaine again at lunch eating alone a phone in his hand and a fork in the other. Their eyes locked for a second and Kurt turned his gaze away as quick as he could, knowing perfectly that he was probably sporting a big blush on his cheeks.

And then again around 4. Kurt was walking to the photographers area to tell them what he wanted for this picture in particular, and to work with her on the details when Blaine rushed past him, his ears glued to his phone. This time the other man didn't stop to talk to Kurt and the editor tried not to let himself be affected by seeing his ex-boyfriend popping every now and then.

He had been apparently doing a poor job at this because at eight Santana opened his door violently, her heels clicking on the floor loudly.

"Alright, Froggy. You and I have a sweet date with a bottle of Jack's. Come on, let's go."

"San, while I'm feeling very grateful that you'd ever consider me for a date, I'm gonna have to decline. All I want is my bed. I haven't slept in probably thirty-six hours and the flight from Paris was horrible." Kurt argued weakly. The woman clicked her tongue and pointed an accusatory finger at him.

"Those are pathetic excuses. You just want to go to your hotel and eat your feelings. Because i know that look, Hummel. And I saw Blaine's face today as well. We're gonna get drunk, we're not gonna talk about him and we'll eat our feelings on Sunday. Now come on!"

Apparently Santana wasn't completely right because four rounds of shots into the night and Kurt started to talk about Blaine. They were pretty drunk by that point and the woman didn't even bother stopping him.

"But how, how?" Kurt asked, grabbing the woman's face in his hand and bringing them really close. "How is he still all cute and sexy? He's just, just bare ankles and curls and, and that isn't 'upposed to be sexy, ya know?"

Kurt let go of Santana's face and asked the bartender for another drink. He clapped happily when the drink in front of him was full again.

"Seriously, San'ana. Why is he here? Why?" Kurt whined, dropping his head on the counter and banging it loudly.

"Ouch, what is this? Oh right. See?" Kurt pointed at the bar. "Blaine's like this, right in front of my face all the time. I don't wanna see him tomorrow."

"But Kurt, he is so pretty. Why don't you want?" They were both whining and giggling alternatively, only staying put on their stools thank to the counter.

"I know he is pretty. 'is the cutest. All pretty, really pretty. But he broke my heart, San. Twice! And, and I don't even know why! But now he's here and he's still pretty and I wanna lick his face but I also wanna punch him, ya know? I'm scared, Tana. I don't wanna talk to him, I don't wanna see him."

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