Chapter 14

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Kurt woke up the next morning to their bodies wrapped around each other. Blaine's head was resting on his chest and their hands were linked together. They had fallen asleep quickly the night before, sharing a moment filled with passion. Because this time Kurt couldn't hide behind the alcohol, they had barely had a few drinks and weren't even tipsy when they left the restaurant.

Kurt extracted himself from the bed and from Blaine's embrace, making sure not to wake the man up. Quickly Kurt tidied his room and put his pajamas on before stepping out into the hall. He leant against the door the moment it was shut closed, his forehead resting against the cold wood. It was such a mess, Kurt knew he was attracted to Blaine, he would always be attracted to Blaine, and last night Blaine's body against his had made Kurt feverish. The ghost of Blaine's hands on his body made him shiver and Kurt remembered how kissing Blaine's skin had felt, it had been perfect, their bodies fit amazingly together when Kurt had rutted against Blaine's hip. But somewhere in the back of his mind Kurt couldn't help but think about how the situation was mixing his feelings up. He didn't want to mess up the life they had with throwing whatever he felt in the middle, he couldn't. Everything was so fragile already that absolutely anything could make the balance lean on the wrong side.

Kurt felt a little hand grabbing his pajamas pants and giving it a few pulls. Kurt looked down and there was little Jules, watching him with his big eyes and his hand still filled with the fabric of his pants.

"Papa? You okay?"

"Yes, Jules. I'm fine. Did you sleep well?" Kurt asked, kneeling on the floor to hug Jules.

"It was alright." Jules shrugged. "Can you make me breakfast? Unc'e Finn only gave me Cheetos last night." Kurt smiled at the boy and made a mental note to tell Finn about what good food options were for a meal.

"Of course, what do you want?"

"Pancakes! No crepes! No... wait. Pancakes." Jules finally decided before walking to the kitchen and climbing on a stool to watch Kurt prepare the food.

Kurt was in the middle of mixing all the ingredients together when Blaine walked out of his room. Kurt bit his lip at how cute Blaine looked with his hair curly and sticking up everywhere, probably caused by Kurt himself last night. Kurt also hoped that Jules wouldn't notice that Blaine was walking out of Kurt's room and not his own, but the little boy didn't say anything and instead tried to steal some of the batter.

"Hello there, Monkey." Blaine said to his son, kissing his matching mop of curls.

"Hi, Daddy. Papa is making pancakes!" Jules answered, licking his little finger.

Kurt looked over to Blaine and they locked eyes for a second, both staying silent, not moving one bit. Kurt could feel that Blaine was waiting just like he was, for one of them to move, to say something to acknowledge what had happened the past night or brush it off. Kurt could feel his insides screaming at him to reach out to Blaine, to take his hand and kiss it, to hug him and whisper into his ear a warm hello.

Instead Kurt smiled at Blaine before turning his attention back to what he was doing.

"Good morning, Blaine." Kurt said, his eyes focusing on the pancakes instead of the man in front of him. Kurt felt Blaine's eyes on him, but he couldn't say what the emotions were that were painting his face, he didn't want to know, couldn't face him.

"Good morning to you too, Kurt." Blaine finally answered before walking away. "I'm going to take a shower."

Kurt silently nodded to himself before looking up at Jules and smiling at him. They continued to cook together, but Kurt's mind wandered. He couldn't do that to them, to whatever kind of relationship they all had together, in a month he would be gone and he had no idea when the next time he would be able to come back here would be. Instead he had to focus on Jules, on making memories with him and sharing as many moments with him as he could.

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