Chapter 20

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Blaine didn't wait, and right after taking the test he immediately started looking for a gynecologist to have a test made by a professional. The test had been positive. Blaine had looked blankly at the two lines on the stick, he stared at it for minutes or maybe hours, at this point he didn't know anymore. All he could see was the two lines, staring right back at him. To Blaine, those two lines were the sweetest lines he had been given to see. The stick fell from his fingers and Blaine didn't move to catch it. He slowly put his hands over his belly and stayed like that for as long as he needed.

He knew he couldn't feel the foetus, he was barely two months pregnant if he really was. There was almost nothing to feel but still. The moment Blaine had seen those two lines, his world once again had shattered and put itself back together, a world bigger, wider. Blaine wanted this child, wanted this addition to his family. He wanted to tell Kurt, he wanted to walk out of the bathroom and look at him, with wide eyes and not able to say a word. He wanted to hand him the stick and see all the emotions playing on Kurt's face.

This is why Blaine made an appointment as soon as he could, which was a week after, thank to Santana who gave him the number of her gynecologist. Blaine walked out of the office with the certitude that he was now going to be a father for the second time and he knew: now was the time to fly to Paris. There was no waiting, no holding back, no postponing anything. Now was the time to take a risk.

"But Daddy, why can't I come with you if you're going to see Papa?" Jules asked as he trotted next to Blaine, his bag wobbling from side to side. They were walking to Finn and Rachel's apartment, where Jules was going to spend a few days, just the time Blaine needed to fly to Paris, talk to Kurt and come back.

"Because I only had enough money for one plane ticket, Monkey. I'm not trying to punish you here, I promise, but there is something really important I need to tell Papa and I have to tell him face to face." Blaine tried to explain gently.

"But I have something important to tell Papa too!" Jules whined while waving at the doorman in Finn and Rachel's building. "I have to tell him how Sara pulled Mary's hair and then Mary punched her in the nose and she bled. It wasn't nice of Sara to pull Mary's hair but Mary's shouldn't have punched her."

"I'm glad you're not condoning violence, kid."

"I would've stolen her snack. Sara always has the best snack. And then I would've eaten it in front of her." Jules explained, smiling proudly at his father. Blaine shook his head and instead pushed the button to the elevator.

Finn was already waiting at the door and he caught Jules in his arms when the boy ran into him.

"Man, you're getting heavier every time I see you. Better stop with the pancakes." Finn told Jules before hugging Blaine. "Hey, Blaine."

"Hi, Finn. Where's Rachel?" Blaine asked, closing the door behind him.

"She's buying some ice cream. She has this crazy idea about how to become Jules's favorite aunt and she thinks buying ice cream will do." Finn answered, taking Jules's bags from Blaine's hands. "We all know the only way to Jules' heart is pancakes. But she is trying, it will make her win some point I guess. There is nothing you can do against Dani's ice cream hair." Finn shrugged.

Jules released Pancakes and played with him in the living room, while waiting for Blaine and Finn to stop talking.

"So, man. What is so important that you have to fly all your way to Paris? I mean, you know how Skype works, right?" Finn wondered, offering Blaine a glass of water.

"I'm fine thank you, Finn. And well, uh, let's just say that there are some things that you want to say face to face, it's not always possible but when it is, you just have to."

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